Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Sitcom Trials at Edfringe

I almost forgot, in the excitement of preparing my own show, but I'll also be in Edinburgh representing The Sitcom Trials.

The 10th Anniversary Season of The Sitcom Trials is looking for entries, and in Edinburgh I'll be particularly interested in seeing sketch teams and writer-performers who want to submit material that they intend performing themselves.

The bulk of the entries into the Trials are from writers. Our producer appoints directors who cast, rehearse and stage the sitcoms. However there will be those of you looking to bring the finished package to the Trials as writer-performers, so it will be vital for us to be able to assess whether that will be suitable for inclusion in the show.

So, anyone interested in entering writer-performed material, who is performing in Edinburgh and wants to be seen, contact me on this thread, or text 07931 810858 or email kevf@sitcomtrials.co.uk

For the terms and conditions of the Sitcom Trials go to [url]http://sitcomtrials.co.uk[/url]. Deadline for entries is September 6th.

Oh and I'll be happy to meet writers who just want to chat. I'll be the guy with socks on his t shirt.

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