Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Dr Who series arc

I know nobody will ever do this, but I had an idea for a Doctor Who series arc today. Wouldn't it be good if, after you've had the Christmas episode, the new series went like this...

1 - Bonfire. A fire and fireworks related story.
2 - Halloween. Ghouls & monsters story.
3 - The Fall. Autumnal story.
4 - The Fringe. Edinburgh Fringe story.
5 - Heatwave. Hot summer story.
6 - The Longest Day. Long day story.
7 - May Week. Cambridge story.
8 - Fools Day. Story about fool & tricks.
9 - The Ides. Death Of Julius Caesar (also featuring a Mad Hare)
10 - The Valentine. Love story
11 - Hogmanay. New Years story
12 & 13 - Out Of Time. We realise all the preceding stories have been shown in reverse order (which would explain things that were oddly inexplicable) and we are in somewhere outside of time and space where events occur in no proper order.

I'm sure loads of people have already suggested this really obvious idea. But if not, here it is. Now let me write it.

Kev F
Edinburgh July 2010

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