Sunday, 26 December 2010

Top Of The Socks - 2010 video rundown

The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre made an awful lot of videos in 2010 and I'd like to think the standard is better than ever before, certainly the viewing figures have been healthy. So here, based purely on the amount of viewers they've accrued (remembering these vieweings are accrued over a year, so Ive given special mention to anything only uploaded in recent weeks), is 2010's Top 30. Or, if you will, TOP OF THE SOCKS (imagine the TOTP theme tune of your choice as we run down this little lot):

30 - Socks on The Culture Show
29 - Socks on The One Show
28 - Most Famous Fillum Of All Time (live)

27 - Ai WeiWei at the Tate

26 - Big Brother
25 - Producers vs the Sound Of Music (live)
24 - Zombie Movie
23 - Silent Night (3 weeks ago)

22 - Ga Ga Rasputin (3 weeks ago)

21 - St Patricks Day
20 - Socks On The Pope
19 - The Dying Sock
18 - The Eyjafjallojokul Volcano Song
17 - 50 Travel Gags
16 - Driving In A Winter Wonderland
15 - World Cup WAGS
14 - Coldplay Christmas (1 week ago)
13 - Annotations
12 - Hung Parliament

11 - Always A...

10 - Weeping Angels
9 - 50 Dr Jokes
8 - 50 Pub Jokes
7 - John Cage's 4'33"

6 - Elvis Costello Winter Medley (1 week ago)

5 - iPad
4 - Star Wars (live)
3 - Vuvuzela

2 - Shyte

And at Number One we have our first video of 2010, which comes in 3 parts, each of which would have made the Top 10 on their own. Collectively we give you our take on Doctor Who's End Of Time...

Thanks to all our viewers, and even more to everone who's come to the Socks' live shows in 2010, we look forward to seeing you and making up more nonsense for your pleasure in 2011. A Happy Hogmanay when it comes.

The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre

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