Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Top 20 Tesco Horse Burger Gags - new from the Socks

Following the news that horse meat has been found in Tesco beef burgers, the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre present the Top 20 Tesco burger gags (5 of which they wrote themselves) as seen on Twitter.

Apart from the 5 which we made up (variations of which have since appeared) we can't be sure who first posted the rest, though one is most likely by Tony Cowards and another is by @brucel. This, by the way, is not what we normally do, but they were fun to read out.
UPDATE: Friday night (18/1/13), this video is now up to 7000 viewings, which is a lot more than any of our recent videos have had. What does this tell us?
UPDATER: Saturday morning 6.50am, this video now has 10,852 viewings. How do I turn that into bums on seats?
UPDATEST: Saturday night 9.50pm, this video's had 16,188 viewings. And did I mention we're not allowed to place adds on our YouTube any more? (by midnight this was up to 18,000)
UPDATESTER: Sunday 10 am, 23,920 views. No sign of slowing. Can't quite tell if the links to other videos are having any effect.
And so on. Sunday 5.30pm 25,945 views; 8.15pm 27,821; 11.45pm 29,080;
Monday 11am 34,276, 4pm 34,809 (slowing); Tuesday 7.30pm 37,783 (slower, but still adding 3000 views a day, which is 3000 views more than any of our other vids); Wednesday 22.30 39,924; Thursday 10am 40,018.

Much Later UPDATE: Feb 14th, we're at 48,556 viewings, which is still more viewings per week than any other video.

As always the best way to experience the Socks is live, and here's where you can see our brand new show, Socks In Space:

TOUR DATES Spring/Summer 2013

Feb 2, 3 - The Black Pearl, Malta
Feb 8, 9, 10 - Leicester Comedy Festival, Kayal
Mar 9 - Flavel, Dartmouth
Mar 21, 22, 23 - Glasgow Comedy Festival, The Dram
Mar 30, April 5 - Bath Comedy Festival, Ring O'Bells
April 12 - Plough Arts, Torrington, Devon
April 13 - Barnfield, Exeter
April 26, 27, 28 - Gilded Balloon Comedy Tour (venues tbc)
May 1 - Swindon Arts Centre
May 9, 10 - Komedia, Brighton Fringe
May 25, 26 - Inverness Happy-Ness Festival
May 29 - Theatr Mwdlan, Cardigan
May 31 - Exchange Arts, Keighley
June 1 - Junction, Goole
June 3 - Barnsley Civic
June 8 - Warwick Arts Centre
June 25, July 2, July 9 - Leicester Square Theatre, London
June 27 - Victoria Theatre, Halifax
June 28 - Wardrobe Theatre, Bristol (NEW)
July 20 - Bedford Fringe
July 22 - Clowns Pocket, Neath (NEW)
Aug 2-26 - Edinburgh Fringe
Sept 7 - Derry Waterside (NEW)
Sept 21 - Braintree Arts Theatre

Further dates to be added. Watch Facebook, here or ents24 for updates.

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