Friday, 27 February 2015

"Comic book lovers converge on centre" - Alton Herald front page

Thanks to the wonderful folks of Wessex Arts at Alton College, here's me on the front page of the Alton Herald. I'm honoured and flattered (and can only assume last week was a quiet news week in Alton).

Comic book lovers converge on centre
Friday, 27 February 2015

AROUND 60 comic book lovers from as far afield at Bentley and Oakhanger visited Wessex Arts Centre at Alton College last Friday to take part in two separate workshops with Marvel and Beano illustrator Kev Sutherland.

Mr Sutherland’s engaging and bombastic style had the children, aged from six to 15 years, inspired for two hours.

Each young person left with a comic book made from the session’s individual comic strips, the title of which was chosen by group vote – the morning session was Invasion of the Rubber Ducks! – plus a caricature of themselves drawn by Mr Sutherland who said he was really impressed with the drawing skills and creative ideas of the young people he had worked with.

All content © of Farnham Herald unless stated otherwise.

Kev F Sutherland, as well as writing Bananaman in The Beano, runs Comic Art Masterclasses in schools, libraries and art centres - email for details, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter. View the new promo video here.

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