Sunday, 17 May 2015

Graham's Got Mint - new comics by kids

A good selection of comics by kids in my Comic Art Masterclasses this week, ranging from a couple of groups of kids and their parents at Bradford College as part of Bradford Literature Festival (above), through the works of some year 8s and 9s....

... in Healing in Lincolnshire. (If they have a Twitter address, I can't find it. Type "healing school" into Twitter and see just how many gurus and layers-on of hands you turn up!) These two groups were years 8 and 9 and both of their titles are typical of that age group, comprising a bit of cyber-bullying (Mollie, I learned too late, is actually a girl at the school, and the cheese-grating refers to her eating habits. Sorry Mollie, I changed the spelling, but that was the best I could do by that stage). Graham Needham is one of the pupils' dads, who runs a butchers shop. 14 year olds find each other hilarious and nothing else of much interest.

This pair comes from the pupils of Dixons Kings School in Bradford, again as part of Bradford Literature Festival. Bolidloces and the Three Hairs is another instance of that old favourite, the mis-spelled title (obviously meant to be Baldilocks) which the class of year 7s found irresistibly funny.

The celebs they chose to tread on a worm (see blogs passim) were Nigel Farage, Steven Gerrard, Simon Cowell, The Queen, Beyonce and Cristiano Ronaldo.

Kev F Sutherland, as well as writing and drawing for The Beano, Marvel, Doctor Who et al, runs Comic Art Masterclasses in schools, libraries and art centres - email for details, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter. View the promo video here

May 15 Exchange Keighley
May 22 & 23 Brighton Komedia
June 25 Cheltenham
June 27 Old Joint Stock Birmingham
July 17 Carriageworks Leeds
July 19 Sheffield New Barrack Tavern
July 23 Spread Eagle Croydon
July 24 Porters, Cardiff
July 25 Bedford Fringe
Aug 5 - 31  10.30pm Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Fringe

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