Monday, 31 August 2015

Edfringe Twitter round-up

Looking back over a very enjoyable month, here are some Tweets and Facebook posts, and other notes and links, that add to the memories.

Congratulations to all the flyerers who got one into my hand this month. Here's your art just pre recycling

Tourists with big long selfie sticks just look like they're fishing for insults

Here's some other words you might not have heard enough times :-) Things Flyerers Say!

"When did making theatre become about selling lots of tickets?" Guardian article

  Aug 28
Excellent show by We may have been a small audience but we were mighty. And they brought the house down.

"And if you've got no arms, you're a man. Which would explain the state of the floors" c1996

  Aug 26

New MP Tommy Sheppard wants Fringe to ‘match school holidays’  

goers getting their first glimpse of the McEwan Hall in 8 years. No purple cow, enjoy the view

How to win friends and influence people, the PBH way: 

The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre presented Minging Detectives, every night at 10.30pm at the Gilded Balloon, from Aug 5th - 30th at the Edinburgh Fringe. It's all done bar the shouting.

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