Saturday, 23 September 2017

John Lemon & More Science - new videos from the Socks

A couple more videos from the currently productive Socks. More Science, an inspired bit of follow up to last week's Science routine (subtitled and unsubtitled) from an audience suggestion, from which I can see more scope.

John Lemon (subtitled and unsubtitled) was inspired by a topical story which, as is the way with these things, isn't even much of a memory less than a week later. I should have learned the lesson that topical humour is the surest route to being forgotten by posterity. So what video do we do next? (At time of writing I already know what we've done next. Idiot that I am.)

Ratings for recent videos:

Saturday 23rd Sept, 8pm:

John Lemon - FB 1527 views, 75 likes, 32 shares, 5996 reached. Youtube 230 (u) 100 (s)
More Science - FB 3283 views, 112 likes, 66 shares, 10,988 reached. Youtube 111 (u) 57 (s)
Science - FB 4000 views, 116 likes, 81 shares, 10,633 reached. Youtube 154 (u) 110 (s)
Westlife - FB 2000 views, 69 likes, 44 shares, 6291 reached. Youtube 205 (u) 79 (s)
Eurovision - FB 35,000 views, 294 likes, 673 shares, 90,240 reached. Youtube 431 (u) 210 (s)
Only Rock & Roll - Not on Facebook. Youtube 291 (unsub only)
Undarntale - Not on Facebook. Youtube 288 (unsub only)
50 Money Jokes - FB 2300 views, 53 likes, 57 shares, 8137 reached (all unchanged since Sept 3)*. Youtube 283 (u) 150 (s)
Jodie Whittaker - FB 53,000 views, 342 likes, 681 shares, 117,085 reached (all unchanged since Sept 3)*. Youtube 1602 (u)
DUP - FB 154,000 views, 1000+ likes, 2595 shares, 461,860 reached (all unchanged since Sept 3)*. Youtube 5745 (u) 1124 (s)

*These stats are curious. Facebook views keep rising steadily for a month or two then, since I last checked, the two oldest videos have frozen. Not a single extra view or like or share or reach in 20 days? Suspicious. I have been doubting that these were real figures in the first place, as they are so dissimilar from the Youtube response. Now I really am dubious.

The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre do a tiny bit more Shakespeare in Halifax (Oct 26), Wolverhampton (Oct 28), Nottingham (Nov 4), and Goole (Nov 17) this autumn, returning with a brand new show in 2018. Stay tuned.

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