Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Black Panther - new from the Socks

New from the Scottish Falsetto Socks, and already dropped from the new show Superheroes, here's their take on Black Panther.

We tried this out in the live show and found there's nothing funny enough to do live in it, but it'll sit quite happily in the audience-in music before the show. So do please enjoy.

We've made it part of a new Youtube Playlist - Socks Do Superheroes - which will, in time, contain lots of the show itself. For the moment it's got lots of outtakes, songs that didn't make the cut, and ideas from our work in progress, plus some hits from the pit that are on topic but not in the show. A splendid time is guaranteed for all.

The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre* are Superheroes at The Gilded Balloon at the Edinburgh Fringe from August 1st to 26th - ON SALE NOW! 

*Winners of the Bath Comedy Festival Lovehoney Best Joke Award 2018


June 16 - Zion, Bristol
June 20 - Ludlow Fringe
July 11 - Neath
July 19 - Bedford Fringe
July 29 - Derby Bar One

 - with more preview dates to be announced

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