Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Happy happy sales sales, and travels with my art

I'm fully aware of the fact I'm overly obsessed with my sales figures at this time of year, in the run up to Edinburgh, but you can allow me a few indulgent smiles of joy as I look at my graph at the moment. Though these things can turn on a sixpence, right now Superheroes is our second best selling show - at this stage in the run-up - ever.

Last week it overtook 2015's Minging Detectives, which I see from blogs of the time was riding high having had some high profile previews, including nice photo pieces in the Welsh papers and in Metro, and ahead of last year's Shakespeare. Of course all this decade's shows have ended up tying for total sales in the end, let's just hope Superheroes keeps up with that.

(As previously noted, we've never since compared with 2010's record sales, when we had a show on in a 9.15 slot - the primiest of primetime - and had notched up record TV appearances and reviews, with a Youtube videoing trending into the bargain. As always, hope springs eternal).

Of course it maybe these animated gifs that are helping. You would tell me if was overdoing it with these things, wouldn't you?

The big news at the moment is that Mum's not very well, so Jude has been visiting her a lot and I've been visiting as much as I can. Her chemo earlier in the year was making her feel bad, so they changed the dose which made her feel worse, and in the last couple of weeks she's found it's spread so she's needing fresh radiotherapy. She's had a couple of falls and is needing a lot more help and attention, pretty well round the clock. We're hoping she's going to see some improvement, but obviously I've picked a rather unhelpful time to be shooting off to Edinburgh for a month.

My travels, during this, the hottest driest summer since 1969 (yes, who knew 69 was drier than the famous 76 of our childhoods?) took me to Enniskillen over the weekend (where it's not all that hot or dry, compared to the South Of England), and as I write this I'm in a busy week of Comic Art Masterclasses which goes Monday: Colindale and Finchley Central, Tuesday: Worcester, Wednesday: Darlington and Crockerton, Thursday: Hartlepool and Stockton, Friday: Leyburn in North Yorkshire, Saturday: Woolaton and Sherwood in Nottingham, Saturday night: visiting Mum in Kibbie, Sunday: Socks previews in Derby and Sheffield, then Monday to Edinburgh. Enough miles for you?

UPDATE: Monday July 30th, the day Hev and I drove to Edinburgh, check this out:

It might not look much to you, but that's a record uptick in our sales for one day, before the start of our run. That's 35 tickets sold in a day. Once the show opens on Wednesday, you aim to do that and more every day. But in the run-up it's pretty impressive. Ooh, I loves my graph.

UPDATE: Weds Aug 1 10.45am. Hubris is your worst enemy. Never hubriscate. Hubriscation nej tak. Having boasted about my 35 sales on Monday, Tuesday almost flatlined with a feeble 13 sales. And as of Wednesday morning we've not sold a single ticket in twelve hours. Huuuuuubriiiis!

The Award Winning* Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre are Superheroes at The Gilded Balloon at the Edinburgh Fringe from August 1st to 26th - ON SALE NOW! 

*Winners of the Bath Comedy Festival Lovehoney Best Joke Award 2018


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