Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Merry Christmas from Hev & Kev

Merry Christmas from Hev and Kev. And thanks to Hev's interest in stereoscopy - she did a course about it last year don't cha know, we have a 3D card this year. The image above is the straightforward printed version. Now check this out...

If you have a 3D viewer (either an old fashioned Victorian stereoscope, a Google Cardboard is, I believe, popular with the kids as a VR headset) get this onto your phone and have a look. Impressive eh? And if that doesn't work, try this slightly plainer version...

The photo was done using Hev's Pollocks Toy Theatre, the figures of Lulu and El Nino which come from Heather's exhibition earlier this year, with our heads photoshopped in by me, then the whole thing stereoscopically photographed in Hev's pop-up photo booth and assembled by me. A team effort and no mistake.

Merry Christmas everyone.

See also this year's Kev F & Socks card
2017 - Kev F comic card, the Socks' card
2016 - Kev F comic card, the Socks' Shakespeare card
2015 - Kev F comic card, the Socks' Minging Detectives card
2014 - teasers for mine & the Socks' cards, I failed to put the finished things online!
2013 - Kev F schools card, the Socks don't seem to have had one
2012 - Hev & Kev's fairytale card (a classic, above), Kev F schools card,
2011 - Hev & Kev's and the Socks cards
2010 - Hev & Kev's card (below), and Kev F comic card

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