Friday, 8 February 2019

McCartney etc - Facebook drivel

Some drivel I've posted on Facebook recently, rather than get on with proper work.

Re Ariana Grande tattoo: Mental note, when doing review of the year in the style of The Twelve Days Of Christmas, replace "five gold rings" with "small charcoal grill". That'll be me and every topical comedy show of 2019 then.
(She meant to write 7 Rings on her hand in Japanese but wrote Small Charcoal Grill. Well, I'll get the gag when someone does it in 11 months time).

Jan 24:

Who doesn't believe in at least one conspiracy theory?
I don't mean these (which are dreadful cases of cyber-bullying by malicious zealots) but theories which are not the official truth? I, for example, still think Lee Harvey Oswald didn't kill JFK and that it was, for want of a better word, a conspiracy. Am I a deluded nutter who saw too many documentaries about it?
For the record I also believe William Randolph Hearst accidentally shot an actor called Ince on his yacht, while trying to shoot Charlie Chaplin, and that in the conspiracy to cover it up, Louella Parsons' silence was bought by a lifetime contract with Hearst's papers. Actually saying it out loud, I do feel a bit of a looney. But am I wrong to find a story plausible, even when it's not completely confirmed? Where do we draw the line between open-minded and gullible?

Jan 27:

Well how about that. Who else knew the really famous sitcom part that Alex Borstein (Susie out of Marvelous Mrs Maisel) has been playing all these years? I just this second found out she's the voice of....
But I won't spoil it for you. If you don't already know, Google it. Isn't that brilliant?*
*Unless of course you've never watched either series, in which case sorry for wasting your time.

"Dear Leave voters..."
I have just scrolled past three of my Facebook friends addressing questions, here, to Leave voters. Is it just me, or didn't everyone here just spend the last two year defriending every Leave voter they ever knew?
If you are a Leave voter, do please say hi, and I'll direct you to my colleagues who are crying in the wilderness and seeking your opinions.

Jan 16:

Just watched Doctor Who Resolution (2019) and am halfway through watching Dalek (2005). It's like reading Shakespeare after you've just read a Post-It pad.
(In case you've been giving Chibnall the benefit of the doubt, try this simple compare-and-contrast test with any recent episode vs any ep 2005-2009. It's shocking. )

When I was a kid, the Venn diagram of Star Trek Fans and people who'd recognise a song from Rent, would have had way less of an overlap. This is smashing.

Gives me hope for the Scottish Falsetto Socks yet. (Last year's Superheroes show sang about Avengers Infinity War to a medley of Scottish songs inc Donald Whaur's Yer Troosers and A Scottish Soldier. I believe the Venn diagram had less of an overlap than I hoped.)

Jan 23:

"Jim Davidson admits he's never changed a nappy. Foul-smelling and disgusting to deal with, Davidson has been on television for 40 years." - Every topical comedy show, this Friday #mocktheweek #newsquiz#thelastleg #hignfy

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