Friday, 1 November 2019

Destroy All Marshmallows - comics by kids

A busy half term week of Comic Art Masterclasses began with a trip to Newcastle where I did two sessions at Bobik's, an art centre above a pub in Jesmond. We didn't have a photocopier, sadly, so the kids didn't get a comic to take away, but we made all the components, including these two stonking covers (which I colour afterwards then email back to them, in case you were wondering).

In the Hertfordshire village of Abbots Langley, two sellout classes produced these two fine comics. Again there was no photocopier to hand, but thanks to a couple of kind local estate agents, we managed to make the comics. And don't they look grand.

At Guildford's G Live, where I've done the class four or five times now, we had two more sellout groups, who came up with a couple of great comics, one with the best title of the week, and the other suitably Halloweeny, giving me an excuse to do an EC parody. I also did one for the flipchart, as you can see...

Here are the flipcharts I produced for Guildford G Live, which was on Halloween itself, and Bobiks. Bobiks is named after one of the Russian space dogs of the 1950s who ran away and didn't have to fly, hence the main image.

The celebrities these 6 groups chose to appear in my demonstration strip were Boris Johnson, Elvis Presley, Stan Lee, Lady Gaga, Usain Bolt, and The Emperor Of Japan.

Kev F Sutherland, as well as writing and drawing for Beano, Marvel, Doctor Who et al, runs Comic Art Masterclasses in schools, libraries & art centres. email for details. Facebook, TwitterPromo video here

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