Friday, 29 November 2019

Findlay graphic novel - first mention

Comic creating pals, your help and advice please. I'm writing and drawing a graphic novel which I aim to self publish. So, your tips. (I've already sent off for one quote, but if anyone else would like to recommend printers, please fire away below).
Working title is Findlay, here's a photo of the work in progress (yes, that's how I write, in biro scribbled pictures). I'm working towards a 150 page (approx) black & white graphic novel, and thinking I'll do a Kickstarter to promote and advance sell it. So, please please please any tips.
- Conventions and festivals?
- Places and ways I can sell a graphic novel?
- Things not to do on a Kickstarter?
- And does anyone want to see it in its early stages and give me constructive advice? (I am so used to working in isolation, and am so out of touch with recent comics, I'm open to people telling me they've seen this idea done before and how old-fashioned my style is).
Findlay (working title, you'll learn the full title soon enough) is a comedy thriller based on a classic story, and I'm targeting a broad / younger audience (and gosh isn't it hard resisting putting sweary words in? I've already got a "rat bastard" that needs replacing).
So, your tips please, thankyou. From Kev F, hoping to return to the comics world properly with this one

Kev F Sutherland, as well as writing and drawing for Beano, Marvel, Doctor Who et al, runs Comic Art Masterclasses in schools, libraries & art centres. email for details. Facebook, TwitterPromo video here

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