Thursday, 26 August 2021

"Plenty of belly laughs" - Douze points review from Lothian Life

Lovely review from Lothian Life for the Eurovision Socks Contest, which I'm officially ranking as Douze Points, because she tweeted that it was.

Fringe veterans The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre take on the world’s most beloved song contest, with a boatload of puns and the inevitable technical hitches that come with a Zoom show. As in the regular Eurovision, viewers must listen to the acts then vote for their favourite with an onscreen poll.

While the puppets are cute, this is definitely not a kids’ show; many of the jokes are close to the bone! Among the contestants, we had France’s ‘Johnni Forriner’ dispelling national stereotypes; Scandinavia’s ‘Sexiblond’ rivalling Abba on the dancing stakes and threatening a Jo Nesbo-style noir death if we didn’t vote for her; Germany’s Deconstructivist Kollektiv with a techno ode to IKEA shelf assembly; and a cardboard Graham Norton for Ireland, singing a Pet Shop Boys pastiche about the sub-par commentator booths.

There’s a spot of improv with Zoom suggestions, with mixed success, but as a hardcore fan of the contest I thought the Eurovision songs were spot-on parodies. In the end, the UK claimed a rare victory with a distinctly boy band take on Brexit. There were plenty of belly laughs in our living room at the Socks’ antics!

Zoom chaos aside, this was a highly enjoyable evening with the Socks. Germany was definitely robbed of the trophy, though…

Fringe On Demand

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