Friday, 28 October 2022

Lewewewewende - comics by kids

Half term saw a few visits to libraries with my classes. These comics were made with kids in Caerphilly, Basingstoke and North Watford.

St Martins College in Caerphilly was essentially the end of my week long trip to the North and the Lakes. I got back from Windermere on Sunday night and was back in a school in South Wales the next morning. After which my seven day stint of classes and comics-flogging ended.

Basingstoke & Deane council arranged a novel venue for these classes, in Dicetower Gaming Cafe. Basically a pub with board games, the morning session went smoothly, but the afternoon session had to compete with a few distractions, including nerdy board games and bleeping nudge gambler machines. All good fun. The Lewewewende title was a result of a kid scribbling something totally illegibile, and me having a guess at what it might be. That often leads to the most popular choice. But, the title, was undoubtedly the result of a child's inability to spell the word Butt.

North Watford Library organised two smashing sellout groups, continuing the legend that I am popular in Hertfordshire's Libraries, where they've been having me in regularly for at least the last decade. 

The celebrities these six groups chose to star in my demonstrations strip were Elvis Presley, Ryan Reynolds, Cardi B, Dezzy (due to a hilarious misunderstanding everyone, including me, thought he was naming an obscure Irish act no-one else had heard of, so it got voted for. Turns out the kid's name was Desi, he'd been suggesting himself), George Washington, and Dwayne The Rock Johnson (this year's most popular name, I think).

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