Thursday 9 May 2024

April book sales

 Above: Kev sells books, and caricatures, in Swansea. But is this where his big sales came from in April?

Sales of my books for April 2024, ranked in order of takings

Schools - £514
Live events - £393
Lulu - £35.35
Etsy - £14.98
D2D - $5.63
Blurb - £0.68

Book sales for March 2024, February 24, Jan 24

Live events = only Swansea on the 14th

 £393 (books and caricatures)

Biggest seller = 26 x Richard The Thirds (full list here)

Schools April (Ireland, Christchurch, Abergavenny, Maidwell Hall, Etchinghill)


81 x Richard The Thirds, plus sundry others

Live sales April:
107 x Richard The Third
2 x Findlay Macbeth
4 x Prince Of Denmark Street
9 x Midsummer Night's Dream Team
1 x Tales From The Bible

Lulu (Amazon) April 2024 sales - £38.80 (23 sales, figure is all royalties)

Eurovision Vol 2 -  3 (UK) 1 (ES) 3 (US) 
Tales From Bible - 1 (CA) 1 (UK) 2 (US)
Eurovision Best Of - 2 (UK) 1 (US)
Book Of Esther - 1 (US) 1 (GB - listed differently from UK, I don't know why)
MNDT -  2 (UK - one gets £0 royalties, one gets £1.10)
Findlay Macbeth - 1 (FR)
80s Superstars - 1 (DE)
80s Pop  - 1 (UK)
60s Pop - 1 (US)
Shakespeare Omnibus - 1 (UK)

March 2024 - £45.26, Feb, - £26.76, Jan - £26.41,  
Dec 2023 - £109.94, November - £107.53, October - £14.23, September - £18.76, Aug £33.34, July £27.60, June £29.94, May £48.33, April £52.26, March £8.56, Feb £38.57, Jan £35.25
Dec 2022 £26.84

Etsy April sales -  £14.98 (2 sales, figure includes postage)

Euro Vol 1 - 1
80s Pop - 1

Mar  £89, Feb £23.48, Jan £44.43, Dec 23 £131.22, Nov - £152.34, October - £51.92, Sept £0, August £13.98, July £48.93, June £55.92, May £58.05, Apr £171.05, Mar £80.86, Feb £44.50, Jan £82.86 

D2D April sales - $5.63 - 7 sales 

Blurb April sales - £0.68 - 3 sales

I'd make a graph if I could be arsed. Suffice it to say, selling books face to face in schools and at live events is how I make money from my creative output. It is good to have them available on Amazon, Lulu, Etsy et al, but it wouldn't make a lot of difference to the bank balance if they weren't there. The month ahead includes 3 days of live events and six days of classes, so game on to see who buys the most (if any, it's still possible that no-one will want any).

My Books and where to get them:

Richard The Third Amazon - Etsy - Barnes & Noble - Waterstones
Findlay Macbeth - Amazon  - Etsy 
Prince Of Denmark Street - Amazon - Etsy - Kindle
Midsummer Nights Dream Team  - Amazon Etsy 
Shakespeare Omnibus Collection (all 3 books) - Amazon

Tales From The Bible - Amazon -  Etsy - Webtoons
The Book Of Esther - Lulu  - Amazon Webtoons
Joseph, Ruth & Other Stories - Lulu
Captain Clevedon - Amazon
Tales Of Nambygate - Amazon  

My Books and where to get them:

Richard The Third Amazon - Etsy - Barnes & Noble - Waterstones
Findlay Macbeth - Amazon  - Etsy 
Prince Of Denmark Street - Amazon - Etsy - Kindle
Midsummer Nights Dream Team  - Amazon Etsy 
Shakespeare Omnibus Collection (all 3 books) - Amazon

Tales From The Bible - Amazon -  Etsy - Webtoons
The Book Of Esther - Lulu  - Amazon Webtoons
Joseph, Ruth & Other Stories - Lulu
Captain Clevedon - Amazon
Tales Of Nambygate - Amazon  

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