Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Cute Pupu, Potatoes, Greggs Sausage Rolls - comics by kids

Another lovely cluster of comics created with kids in my Comic Art Masterclasses, from Finchley to Stockport via Northampton.

The first class I did for Arts Depot in Finchley was in the glory days of lockdown, where I just had to walk through to the back room, shout at my computer screen for a couple of hours, and the job was done. Now it's three hours there, three hours back, and two hours at the chalkface. Sadly I couldn't get them to stretch to a day's worth of classes, just the one. But the consolation was that it was jam-packed full and I was able to sell books to the attendant parents afterwards. Just short of eighty quid's worth in fact, which doesn't hurt.

Kingsthorpe Primary in Northampton was a lovely first time visit, who have been kind enough to confirm a return booking already, which is nice. A couple of excellent comics produced with the years 3 and 4.

Stockport School is one I've returned to a number of times now, thanks to Debra in the library who has been a great supporter of the class. The kids always have the highest standard of work, and a very good sense of humour I find. 

The celebrities these five groups chose to appear in my demonstration strip were Adele, Taylor Swift (three times, I think we may have a new leader when I come to tot up these celebs at the end of the year), and Jeremy Clarkson.

My Books and where to get them:

Richard The Third Amazon - Etsy - Barnes & Noble - Waterstones
Findlay Macbeth - Amazon  - Etsy 
Prince Of Denmark Street - Amazon - Etsy - Kindle
Midsummer Nights Dream Team  - Amazon Etsy 
Shakespeare Omnibus Collection (all 3 books) - Paperback

Sweet Smell Of Sockcess - Putting A Show On At The Edinburgh Fringe - Amazon - ebook

Who Notes - Doctor Who Reviews - Amazon - Lulu - ebook
Space Elain - Amazon - Lulu - iBooks - Barnes & Noble 
Tales From The Bible - Amazon -  Etsy - Webtoons
The Book Of Esther - Lulu  - Amazon - Webtoons
Joseph, Ruth & Other Stories - Amazon
Captain Clevedon - Amazon
Tales Of Nambygate - Amazon  

Monday, 11 November 2024

Blocked by schools

I'm trying not to take it personally, but an odd thing has come up when I've been emailing schools today. In particular I've been emailing schools that I've visited before, in these three cases back in 2022, and asking if they'd like to have me back.

As ever I'm imagining the kids had a great time with my classes, and getting asked back again is not unusual. What is unusual is getting a return message saying my email message has been blocked.

I understand this when I'm emailing schools cold, out of the blue. Sometimes I even do bulk emails, which I can understand a school's system being geared up to protect against. But in these cases, I'm emailing the actual named person who I dealt with when I visited before, and I'm writing an email especially to them. One of them is the person at the council that actually arranged three library visits in a row for me, which I remember being really popular sellouts.

But these three schools or organisations, who I visited in the spring or summer of 2022, have blocked me. Like I say, trying not to take it personally. Though I have gone back and looked at the comics I produced with each of these classes. Might there be a clue in those..?

My Books and where to get them:

Richard The Third Amazon - Etsy - Barnes & Noble - Waterstones
Findlay Macbeth - Amazon  - Etsy 
Prince Of Denmark Street - Amazon - Etsy - Kindle
Midsummer Nights Dream Team  - Amazon Etsy 
Shakespeare Omnibus Collection (all 3 books) - Paperback

Sweet Smell Of Sockcess - Putting A Show On At The Edinburgh Fringe - Amazon - ebook

Who Notes - Doctor Who Reviews - Amazon - Lulu - ebook
Space Elain - Amazon - Lulu - iBooks - Barnes & Noble 
Tales From The Bible - Amazon -  Etsy - Webtoons
The Book Of Esther - Lulu  - Amazon - Webtoons
Joseph, Ruth & Other Stories - Amazon
Captain Clevedon - Amazon
Tales Of Nambygate - Amazon  

Friday, 1 November 2024

November Book Sales - live and online

Drawing a flipchart scribble for the first class of the month at Arts Depot Finchley.

Live events / classes et al - £842.27 (see below)
Etsy - £101 (11 orders inc postage)
Lulu (Amazon) - £25.43 (reported Sat Dec 7th)
D2D - $7.67 (6 orders)
Blurb - £0.72

Etsy Nov sales - £101 (11 orders inc postage)
Eurovision Vol 1 - 5
Eurovision Vol 2 - 4
Richard The Third - 1
Bowie - 1

Lulu/Amazon Nov sales - £25.43 (reported Dec 7th)

This compares pretty poorly to the same time last year, when I sold £37 worth, but rather better than this time in 2022 when I'd just had my Amazon KDP account closed, losing £100s of sales. These figures will continue to slide as Amazon continues to refuse to list my books (see another blog). In recent months they've de-listed previous big sellers like the Doctors Who Colouring Book and even the Rom Com one.

Midsummer Night's Dream Team - 6: 2 (ZA - where's ZA?), 2 (UK), 2 (US)
Christmas Movies - 4: 3 (US), 1 (UK)
70s Pop - 2: 1 (US) 1 (UK)
Captain Clevedon - 2
Royalty - 2
Tales From Bible - 1 (US)
80s Pop - 1
60s Pop - 1
Prince OF Denmark St - 1
2020s Pop - 1 (CA)
Euro Best Of - 1

At Gloucester comic con I drew a few celeb guests including Susan Twist, above. 


After a month as choc full of book sales as October (a record month I think), November started by keeping up that momentum with the last class of Half Term and the last Literary Festival of the year..

Fri Nov 1st: Arts Depot Finchley (one class) - £76.89

8 x Richard The Third
1 x FM
1 x PODS
1 x MNDT

Sat Nov 2nd: Clevedon Literary Festival - £131.40

Having done this event for the last three years (it was my first public outing after lockdown) I've been used to it being in the summer, and doing a Comic Art Masterclass on the same day as exhibiting my books. First time out, in 2021, I took £130 on top of the fee for the class. The next year there was no book fair, but £52 of books sold after one class. Last year a class and a table and I was back up to £145. This summer the event spread itself across two dates. In June I did the class, after which I sold £85 worth of books in the ten minutes afterwards, but there was no book fair. The book fair had moved to this date in November, and I have to say felt very quiet. Standing at a table from 10 to 4 gets quite draining without a constant flow of punters.

The oddest thing was my caricatures. At live events I draw peoples faces, to attract them to my table, and the deal is they get it free with anything they buy, or they can just pay £2 for the caricature, or if they don't want it I'll keep it. At last month's shows you can see I can take quite a lot in takings from caricatures alone. Today in Clevedon was the first event (since I started charging for them in March) that literally no-one paid for their caricature alone. They either bought a book or left the picture. Very strange.

Another significant note: I need to order more stock. Having sold more Shakespeares faster than I thought during Half Term week, I was badly under-stocked, with only a few copies left of my key books. I could have sold more.

8 x Richard The Third
3 x PODS
3 x FM (sold out)
2 x MNDT (sold out)
2 x Bowie colouring book (sold out)
1 x Space Elain
1 x Blank comic book
1 x Nativity

Mon Nov 4: Kingsthorpe School, Northants - £14

2 x Richard The Third 
(bought by teachers. Sadly, because of half term, there hadn't been the chance to pre-sell the books to the kids)

Sat Nov 9: Book event Monmouth - £13.98

Society of Authors event with speakers, talking about ecology, only last two hours, not much of that given over to selling books

2 x Richard The Third

Mon Nov 11: Stockport School - £56

3 x Richard The Third
2 x PODS
2 x MNDT
1 x FM 

Sat Nov 23: Gloucester Comic Con (Creed Cons) - £359

This weekend saw two comic cons with me stood behind a table from 10 till 4, most likely the last such events of the year. The first, Gloucester, was pretty well attended and saw good sales. But the lesson learned, again (see top of page) is that I need more stock. I could have sold more Doctor Who and Xmas colouring books if I’d had them. As for the Eurovision books, I was waiting for a delivery from Lulu that didn’t arrive till today. So I had stock for the next day. 

7 x Richard the Third
3 x Space Elain
1 x Omnbus
1 x Tales From Bible
1 x Joseph & Ruth
4 x Who colouring (sold out)
3 x Cult TV colouring 
2 x Xmas Coloring (sold out)
1x Euro vol 1 (sold out)
1 x Euro vol 2 (sold out)
1 x Punk, 2020s, 90s
+ caricatures (many)

Sun Nov 24: Torquay UKCGF comic con - £157

I did this same event back in February and felt I did a lot better (actually only took fifty quid more). Storm Bert was hitting the country and kept a lot of people away I fear. 

3 x Richard the Third
3 x MNDT
2 x FM
1 x Elain, Joseph, Esther
1 x Punk, Euro vol 1, Euro vol 2
1 x 90s col (sold out)
1 x Cult TV (sold out)
1 x Royalty (sold out)
+ caricatures

Sat Nov 30: Colwyn Bay Class - £34

4 x Richard The Third
1 x PODS

Total Live sales November = £842.27

37 x Richard The Third
9 x Findlay Macbeth 
9 x Prince of Denmark Street
10 x Midsummer Nights Dream Team
5 x Space Elain
2 x Joseph & Ruth
1 x Omnibus 
3 x Other books
20 x Colouring books 

My Books and where to get them:

Richard The Third Amazon - Etsy - Barnes & Noble - Waterstones
Findlay Macbeth - Amazon  - Etsy 
Prince Of Denmark Street - Amazon - Etsy - Kindle
Midsummer Nights Dream Team  - Amazon Etsy 
Shakespeare Omnibus Collection (all 3 books) - Paperback

Sweet Smell Of Sockcess - Putting A Show On At The Edinburgh Fringe - Amazon - ebook

Who Notes - Doctor Who Reviews - Amazon - Lulu - ebook
Space Elain - Amazon - Lulu - iBooks - Barnes & Noble 
Tales From The Bible - Amazon -  Etsy - Webtoons
The Book Of Esther - Lulu  - Amazon - Webtoons
Joseph, Ruth & Other Stories - Amazon
Captain Clevedon - Amazon
Tales Of Nambygate - Amazon  

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