In order to sell my books, I order print on demand copies from Lulu. If I'm lucky they'll sell them, via Global Distribution, on Amazon. But, as discussed elsewhere, they keep rejecting my graphic novels as being "low content" when they are, of course, nothing of the sort. (Me not selling direct through Amazon KDP has also been well covered here.)
The Cost
For the first 1000 copies of Richard The Third I ordered print runs from Stu Gould's Citrus Print. And I'd happily do that again, but I don't have the cashflow to hand (it costs me £1200 for 500 copies). So I'm getting them in batches of 18 (best postage price, £13.29), which works out at the best price per copy.
But, and it is a big but, that price varies dependant upon one big thing - the Lulu Voucher Code.
If I'm lucky, I can get 15% off, using these vouchers which Lulu send, but which only work once (sometimes twice). I once got 20% off. There are also 10% vouchers. But there are also times when I desperately need books and I can't get a discount. And I've just noticed today, Sunday March 2, and I've seen the basic price per book has just gone up (from £62.43 for 18 to £66.10 for 18). Here are how those prices work out:
18 copies inc p&p + 15% discount = £75.72 = £4.20 each
18 copies inc p&p + 10% discount = £79.39 = £4.41 each
18 copies inc p&p no discount = £86.73 = £4.81 each
So, selling that at £7 each to kids in schools, I'm making between £2.10 and £2.80 a copy. When I sell them at events for £7.99 I make £3.18 - £3.79 each. Could be worse. (Though when I can afford a Citrus Print run, they come out at £2 a copy, which would be better.)
The Wait
How long it'll take the books to arrive is the other variable. I've found myself caught short recently and really have to keep up to date with my stock counts. Here are the waiting times I've had for this year's print runs:
6 Jan - 30 Richards - 10 days wait
15 Jan - 30 Richards - 7 days
27 Jan - 15 Richards - 9 days
31 Jan- 18 Richards - 7 days
4 Feb - 18 Richards - 8 days
6 Feb - 18 Richards - 12 days
7 Feb - 10 col books - 15 days
9 Feb - 10 Rich + - 9 days
9 Feb - 18 mixed books - 11 days
11 Feb - 18 Richards - 9 days
14 Feb - 17 Rich + - 11 days
14 Feb - 18 Richards - 14 days
25 Feb - 18 Richards - 8 days
2 March - 18 Richards (still waiting)
2 March - 18 Richard (Priority Post)
3 March - 18 Richard Priority Post
3 March - 20 D2D Richards
5 March - 18 Richard Priority Post
5 March - 20 D2D Richards
So on average I wait 10.16 days. Best to assume you'll be waiting a fortnight, then it's a delightful bonus when they come in a week.
Also D2D
Monday night update: I just ordered 20 books from D2D. They only cost £2.76 each and the postage is only £11.01. They say there's sales tax to be added, but I don't know how much, and they say delivery can be 14 days. I also don't know how up to date the front cover and interior contents are. But if this batch comes through, then I'll be ordering and selling D2 copies over the coming months.
And that's the end of the most boring post so far this month.
Big Update: D2D books arrive in just 4 days! Ordered Mon 3 delivered Fri 7 and they cost £3.12 each. Game changer! Lulu copies are history baby.
My Books And Where To Find Them... |  |  |  |
Richard The Third | Findlay Macbeth | Prince of Denmark Street | Midsummer Night's Dream Team |
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Shakespeare Omnibus
| Comic Tales From The Bible
| Joseph, Ruth & Other Stories
| Space Elain
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Colouring Books: Doctors Who, Hollywood Legends, Punk, Cult TV, Eurovision Vol 1, Eurovision Vol 2, Eurovision Best Of British & Irish, 1960s Pop, 1970s Pop, 1980s Pop, 1990s Pop, 2020s Pop, Bowie, Scottish Pop, Royalty, Rom Coms