Thursday, 23 August 2018

Cosmopolitan - new clip from Superheroes

Another new clip from Superheroes, Cosmopolitan. Enjoy. If there was ever an indication that I'm aiming to upload the whole show, it's the fact that I'm uploading a bit of nonsense like this. I'll get onto the meatier scenes next.

Unlike Shakespeare, which had lots of stand-alone sketches which you could watch in isolation, that's really only the case for Superheroes' songs. The comedy routines are all episodes in the plot in this show, which really means they will mostly only make sense when you watch the full hour.

As I did with Shakespeare, I hope to edit the scenes and upload them piecemeal, then assemble the whole lot together into a concert DVD. The whole hour should go online in the fullness of time. But, like I say, you really have to be there to enjoy the experience.

At time of writing, just 4 shows to go.

The Award Winning* Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre are Superheroes at The Gilded Balloon at the Edinburgh Fringe every night at 10.30pm  until August 26th 

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