Thursday, 23 August 2018

Dead Ringer - new clip from Superheroes

Another clip from the Scottish Falsetto Socks smashing Edinburgh run of Superheroes - Dead Ringer For Superman. It's on Youtube in subtitled form, or vanilla. Enjoy. There's even a square version on Facebook, if you fancy.

This has been probably the most popular song in the show, with the glasses prop proving a fun if unpredictable bit of slapstick that's different every night. This take is from what I call That Night, the one night when we had an unresponsive audience (as discussed here) and even they laughed at it. Other nights (we videod three) had better laugh tracks, but not as good prop shots or music mix.

(If you really want to know how it's done, the front-on shot and soundtrack are from Monday Aug 20, and the side shot is from an earlier night).

The Award Winning* Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre are Superheroes at The Gilded Balloon at the Edinburgh Fringe every night at 10.30pm  until August 26th 

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