Saturday, 15 February 2025

Adsense removed from blog

I don't know if anyone's been reading my blog in the past couple of months, but you might have noticed it was covered in adverts. Oh, you probably thought, there goes Kev F coining it in with ad revenue. He'll be rolling in it now, you probably thought.

Well no. The price I paid for having my blog defaced with ads, appearing every other paragraph when you're trying to read my mindless jottings, was to earn next to nothing. Look at that table above. In the last week I'd earned 8p. Literally less than I would have earned if I'd picked up every item of small change I saw lying on the pavement. So far this month I've earned 16p, and in the entire lifetime of the Adsense account I'm managed to rack up an astounding £13.53. 

They don't give you a payout till you've racked up sixty quid's worth. At the rate of a penny a day, that is to say £3.65 a year, it would take me 16 years before I made anything.

So this morning I switched the ads off. Aaah, doesn't it smell fresher around here?

My Books And Where To Find Them...
The Third
Prince of 
Denmark Street
Midsummer Night's 
Dream Team

Comic Tales
From The Bible

Joseph, Ruth
& Other Stories


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