Friday, 27 January 2012

Meanwhile over at The Sitcom Trials...

This week I've been very busy doing artwork for advertising clients, drawing superheroes, cavemen, dinosaurs, and filing cabinets with files escaping from them (and no, I can't stick the pictures up here, but trust me they're amazing). I've also spared a few moments to update the blog next door, which has been getting more traffic than this. That's because it's The Sitcom Trials blog and there's a new Sitcom Trials show in the offing. It's on March 30th in Bristol, the script deadline is Feb 29th, and the new producer is Vince Stadon, whose script won one of last year's Manchester Sitcom Trials. As for all that traffic we've been getting...

Thanks to BBC Writers Room who just retweeted the call for scripts for the Bristol Sitcom Trials. As a result, viewings of the blog just went up considerably, I gained a heap of extra Twitter followers, and poor old Vince is about to be deluged with more scripts than he possibly dreamed of. (Details of what The Sitcom Trials wants and how to enter are here). In tribute I've just retweaked the Sitcom Trials poster (because it just wasn't complete without Mrs Browns Boys) and made a Bristol version. Enjoy...

PS: I'm not saying the Trials blog wasn't getting a lot of readers before, but this graph shows the spike in our readership immediately after the retweet by BBC Writers Room:

PPS: And breaking news, it looks like the next Manchester Sitcom Trials is just around the corner. We are looking at dates in July, keep an ear out, you'll be the first to know.

There's also talk of the return of the Trials to London, but isn't there always? As a jog to the memory, and an exciter to the pulse, let's cast our minds back to the start of the last London season. And enjoy again the words of wisdom from Sitcom Trials Judge David "TV Burp" Quantick...

And PPPS: The Sitcom Trials blog just got paid to insert its first ever bit of advertorial. That's right Bill Hicks, yes I just did that.

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