Oct 11 Me at work. Today.
Oct 21 Caught out by Yorkshire accent. Was introduced to teacher and spent all morning calling her Miss Kerr. She's Miss Coe.
Oct 13 Booked a
Oct 12 My colleague Bananaman artist
And fellow
Oct 19 "You mean the iodine deficiency?" Tonight's
I swear I just heard the words [citation needed] in a bit of dialogue.
Oct 8 So where have I been teaching today..?
Anybody heard of tyre slashing in Clevedon? I have a mysterious flat this morning (which has buggered up my 6am drive to Hertford for work)
This would be me talking comics on Down The Tubes then: http://downthetubes.net/?p=17185 Do tell me if I said anything interesting.
You're a former Radio 1 DJ and you can't get arrested? Count your blessings. http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/lostinshowbiz/2014/oct/23/chris-moyles-spoke-to-millions-radio-struggling-audience-youtube-dj … …
BBC attempt to have Cliff linked to crime in the public psyche before he can file injunction ‘utterly inept’ say MPs http://gu.com/p/42ym8/tw
Oct 22 I'm not mad am I? That "Rene Zellwegger" photo is very clearly a totally different person. Nothing to do with surgery. Chin, hairline?
Richard Ayoade Politely Destroyed The Media Interview Process On “Channel 4 News” Last Night http://www.buzzfeed.com/alanwhite/richard-ayoade-politely-destroyed-the-media-interview-proces …
Oct 10 Satirists think they're going to change things just cos they "hold a mirror up to the world". Well, you know who else holds a mirror up to the world? Clothes shops. What's that change? Nothing. And they even have Changing Rooms. I don't remember Hitler coming out of Hugo Boss going "I just saw myself in the mirror. What a c-"
Here we are in the Lakes, preparing for tomorrow's art classes. Which have, er, sold out. *humblebrag*
Oct 22 When Sting in a bowtie is the coollest thing in the show, you know you just watched a very bad TOTP. Revival just set back by another year.
Even Chic look like aunts and uncles dressed for a wedding. This week's Top Of The Pops is one that fashion gave a wide berth
Thanks to this week's Top of the Pops & Cats UK I've now learned about the man who's written more UK Eurovision entries than any other. 22 attempts, 4 finalists. All preeeeettty awful. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Curtis_%28musician%29
Oct 24 Listened to Tony Blackburn's Pick Of The Pops today. Thought every 1972 track was excellent (except maybe the No1) and that almost all of 1987 was poor (with a few exceptions). Question is why? Is it because the influential age I was in 1972, so this is what I learned music to be and anything that didn't match that template was lesser? Or was I just the right age at a musically outstanding time. Any theories? Here's the 1972 chart: http://www.officialcharts.com/archive-chart/_/1/1972-10-28/ and the 1987 chart: http://www.officialcharts.com/archive-chart/_/1/1987-10-24/
Highly unlikely you'll want to, but if you desire a book of our holiday snaps from Edinburgh, it's on sale here: http://blur.by/ZmhbPN
Oct 12 Riverside studios in London has closed. Dalek emerges from water, looks around, realises his job has been done... http://fb.me/2HJi72Y43
Oct 12 What do you think of that news? Rubbish.
Oct 3 Happiness is: colouring comic strips while listening to a whole week's Ken Bruce's Popmasters on
Oct 18 From my classes at Kendal Library @ The Lakes International Comic Art Festival, comments from some happy punters.
Sept 29 Forward Planning Award goes to a school in Halesowen which has just booked my return visit for July 2015. How to avoid disappointment!
Sept 16 Today I have written a 4 page comic strip - based on a Bible story! (I know), and scripted and had approved a comic strip birthday card for a client, and designed characters for the ads for a magician. I've been a proper artist-for-hire today, it's cracking. All going well, that's five big full grown-up pages of comics to try and draw by the weekend, and 16 little character drawings. I still got it. (And last week I wrote Dennis The Menace's Christmas episode. You're right, you should be jealous )
Just found some Peter Capaldi Doctor Who sample drawings I did last year & never finished. Enjoy.
Hmm. No, I clearly have had no thought worth expressing for a whole month. As you were.

Kev F Sutherland, as well as writing and drawing Pansy Potter, Bananaman, Biffo The Bear et al in The Beano, runs Comic Art Masterclasses in schools, libraries and art centres - email for details, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter. He's been writing and drawing comics for 25 years, he must know something.
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