Here we see the four comics produced over two days at a primary school in Wimbledon, a school that's had me back four times so they know my work well. As usual, most of the kids have gone home with a comic containing a strip by every one of them and an individual caricature, the titles of the overall comicbook being chosen by the group.
However one group ended up going home without their comics. I'd completed, printed it, delivered it and everyone seemed happy. Then, at the end of the day, I was told the pupils weren't going to be given their comic, because of what's on the cover. So which of the above comics do you think was the offender?
a) 4C The Menace - Featuring the homophone 4C, referred to by Lionel Messi, and with a big image of Teacher & Dennis from The Beano.
b) Eltro Santy Mushroom - The pupil's mis-spelling of Electro gave us an amusing title which I illustrated with Christmas trimmings, also featuring Johnny Depp.
c) Gangsta Granny & The Pineapple Police - My version of a gangsta granny (cos I forgot the David Walliams version existed), with Simon Cowell in the background.
d) Fat Lady Who Had A Fat Tummy - With an illustration that does what it says on the tin, a fat lady saying "Don't Be Rude".
Guess which one was not allowed to go home to the parents. Have a guess on the comments here, or Facebook or Twitter, the answer appears at the very foot of the post.
If anyone wants my Comic Art Masterclass for 2014, you know where to find me. Merry Christmas all, and a Happy New Year when it comes.

Slap The Teacher - kids comics from Nov 2013
One Direction vs The Doom Monster - more Nov 13 comics
Don't Believe Everything You See In A Comic Done By A Child - Oct 13
I Borrowed Hitler's Brain - Sept 2013
The Dog Did It - Aug 2013
Bunny Dood Defeats King Lettis - July 2013
Free Cheese For Sale & Oh Poo Zeus On The Loose - June 2013
The Story Of Susan Boyle - June 2013
That Peanut Stole My Bedroom - May 2013
Who On Earth Is Elvis - May 2013
Ouch The Chilli Sauce Is In My Eye! - April 2013
I Flushed My Magical Penguin Down The Toilet - Mar 2013
The Bean Men - Feb 2013
And the answer is..?
And the answer was, as has been guessed by more people than not, Fat Lady Who Had A Fat Tummy. I was working with Year 2s (6 year olds), which I always refuse to do and shall from now on refuse to do again, and they have a policy of not referring to peoples weight or appearance, which other years are much more laissez faire about. It wasn't flagged up during the class, and didn't even enter my mind.
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