I'm sure we all have a favourite line we wrote this week. This (above) was mine. (From a Bananaman strip, to be drawn by Wayne Thompson, to appear later this year in The Beano).

The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglae, as Rabbie Burns said (reminding me I have to swot up my Burns cos the Socks will be addressing the haggis in Glasgow in a week's time), and so it was with one of my writing ideas this week. Having been writing quite a lot of Bananaman scripts, which Wayne Thompson will be drawing, most of which have yet to appear (see below), I'm hoping to get something accepted by The Beano that I might draw myself. Competition is fierce, but it's worth a try. So it was that I had a stab at writing Keyhole Kate.
Yesterday I wrote, and laid out in my characteristic biro-scribble style as you can see in the excerpt above, three single page Kate scripts. Car Keys, from which the above clip comes; Through The Keyhole, guest starring Keith Lemon and an endescope; and Safecracker. Sadly they won't be seeing the light of day because, as I should have realised, Keyhole Kate is a Dandy character not a Beano character, and as such already appears in the annuals. D'oh!
Back, quite literally, to the drawing board. Meanwhile, for my benefit mainly, here's a checklist of the Bananaman stories I've written so far:
Vom-Thing - a 4 pager for the 2015 annual
Dilemma - single pager for 2015 annual
Smoothie - single pager for 2015 annual
Invasion - Single pager, appeared in Beano Nov 2013
Trojan Queen - Double pager, appeared in Beano Dec 2013
The rest have yet to appear:
Atlantic Tunnel - 2pp
Bridge - 2pp
Our Boys - 2pp
King Kong parts 1 & 2 - 4pp in 2 parts
Miracle Banana parts 1 & 2 - 4pp in 2 parts
Genocide (renamed Annihilation) - 2pp
Banoffie Pie - 2pp
And the following are written but yet to be green-lit:
Creepy Pasta - 2pp
Damson In Distress - 2pp
Mail Train - 2pp
Robot Romance - 2pp
Teddy Bear - 2pp
37 pages of Bananaman? Why that's virtually a graphic novel, and certainly the greatest fun to write. But I don't think it's giving away too many industry secrets to admit it doesn't pay as well as drawing does, despite taking up quite a lot of time. So the quest to draw continues. Onwards and upwards.

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