They think it's the Spider-Pig song.

Maybe this isn't the case across the board but it was with today's group of 8 to 11 year olds. I was singing a parody of the Spider-Man song while doing a drawing on the flipchart and a conversation ensued that led to the above conclusion. "He's changing the words of the Spider-Pig song". And why should they know that Spider-Pig was a parody of Spider-Man? They've all seen The Simpsons movie, and are still young enough to think it was any good, whereas the only place they'd have heard the Spider-Man theme was right at the end of the credits for the first Spider-Man film from 2002, which was before most of them were born.

I'm Kev F, the comic writer and artist whose work appears in The Beano, Marvel comics, Doctor Who, Red Dwarf Smegazine, Viz, 2000AD and many points inbetween. If you would like to bring my Comic Art Masterclass to your school or art centre, drop me a line, a comment, a Twitter, Bat-Signal, whatever works. Click below to see more, including video and contact details.

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