The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre have sent out tweets to the good people of the above towns, promoting their preview shows coming up in advance of the Edinburgh Fringe. Getting one of our promotional tweets retweeted is a delight, warms the cockles of the heart, and hopefully decreases the likelihood of anyone in the town in question missing out on a chance of seeing Boo Lingerie - A Socky Horror Show before it's quite ready yet... er, that is before anyone else.
Preview shows are unique experiences, especially with the Socks where, over past years and indeed in the past month, these shows have allowed us to try out new material which we only find is funny (or not) when an audience reacts to it. Already this year audiences in Harrogate and Brighton have given the thumbs up to some surprising material (eg Bucket List) and thumbs down to some too (The Beetle routine, most of the Frankenstein routine, that opening song, the Poe routine - all seemed like good ideas at the time) and of course there's brand new stuff unveiled every time. Often we'll get right the way to Edinburgh with material that eventually gets trimmed, cut or radically transformed (did anyone catch Macbeth in 2008 (before it was replaced with King Lear during the first week in Edinburgh)?, the overlong Western routine (that whole "bury my heart at wounded knee" piece? I still love that) or the James Bond routine in 2009*? If you caught the previews back then you were privileged indeed. Sure the finished Edinburgh show is what we're working towards, that's what the reviewers come to see, but the journey there is an experience in itself.
So, anyhoo, who retweets best? Here's the score so far (Monday 9th July)
Beverley - 16 retweets
Bath - 8 retweets
Manchester - 1 retweets
Guildford - 14 retweets
Bedford - 15 retweets
The original tweets are all below, so if you want to help spread them around, please be our guests. As long as there's an @falsettosocks in there somewhere, we'll hear about it. Loving you all - ♥ The Scottish Falsetto Socks
Scottish Falsetto Socks do a Friday 13th Socky Horror Show, Beverley July 13 http://kevfcomicart.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/scotti … Please RT if you ♥ Socks
The Scottish Falsetto Socks play a special preview at the Rondo Bath July 19 http://kevfcomicart.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/rondo- … Pls RT if you ♥ Socks
Scottish Falsetto Socks special
Scottish Falsetto Socks play special show at Guildford Electric July 21st http://kevfcomicart.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/socks- … Pls RT if you ♥ Socks
Scottish Falsetto Socks play horror-comedy

The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre present not one but two new shows at the Edinburgh Fringe 2012: Boo Lingerie - A Socky Horror Show every night at 10.40pm and Chunky Woollen Nits - The Family-Friendly Hour at 11am. Tickets are now on sale, book now!
* PS: The Captcha I had to type in to upload the RT image above was "shaken not stirred." What are the chances?
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