It's always flattering when you've come up with something that someone else deems worthy of plugging, so many thanks to Steve at Chortle, a man of taste and distinction.
Last night, Saturday, saw the Socks' first gig post-Edinburgh (which now seems so long ago), at the David Lloyd Centre in Lincoln, Thanks Lincoln for being a fab audience. And it was a good opportunity to stop over with my Mum in Kibworth. Except, of course, she wasn't there so I had the run of the empty house. An empty house at which I then had the presence of mind to leave my jacket, slung over the bannister. Along with my wallet and my diary. D'oh. Luckily the Socks have a gig in Derby on Tuesday night, so another stop off in Leicestershire en route is duly scheduled. Meanwhile, if anyone wants to book me or the Socks for anything between now and Tuesday afternoon, be prepared for the words "hang on, I'll just have to ring my Mum."

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