As part of my Comic Art Masterclasses, I get every pupil in the class to come up with a title for the group comic which they'll take home at the end. Up to 30 ideas are handed in on bits of paper, and we vote on them until a winner is chosen. You'll have seen some of the finished comics, bearing the winning titles, but as for the other suggestions they always wind up in the bin. This week, in Ireland, I've been hanging onto them. Here, for your edification, are the suggestions you get if you ask a collection of various First Years to name a comic book...
Evil geniuses
Loser Hero Squad
The stupid molon
Galaxy Go Boom!
Did it Hurt?
Fuzzel Weasels
Dopey moron
Sir Pistol Smack & his Splendid Adventure
Bob the Destroyer of Nuke Town
The Xtra
The Hippie Who Got Drunk (winner)
Cookie Monster
People Rule
Gangster Hampster
Fart Man
Home Sick
Sandwich Man
1B's Comics
The Legdens Return
Great Magnificent Comic
Gangster Hamster
Austin Powers
Dooms Day Times Day
Cereal Boxes
The First Year Frenzy
Sick Brain (winner)
Pippy Reads
Homer Simpsons Day At The Bar
Messy Madness
Barney The Killer Dinosaur
The Hardy Biscuit
Hiberian Insurance Pretty Good
Go Away
Trollololo (winner)
We Can Draw
Tiny Titans
I'm A Weirdo, Don't Be A Faadoodle
Die Die Die
I Can't Draw
The Boys Are Back In Town
Woof Woof
Don't Be Two Faced!
Fizze Brains
The Adventures of Explosive
The Mighty Farmers (winner)
Fantastico Fisasco
Canadian Panda
Freaky Sock
First Year Fail
The Flailing of the First Years
Duck Man
Super Girl
First year Fantasy
Bing Bomb
Toasty First Year
Cheese Gone Wild
First Year Funaza (winner)
The Flying Cow
Wexs Com
Super Story
The Simpsons
Snap It
Bad Men
Wexford Drying!
Bonic Man
Family Guy
Loopy Loo
Splash Boom
The Boys
The Loopies
Boss Angry
Gidiggi Giddigi Gu (winner)
ET Returns
Gangdem Style
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
Mental Mix of Madness
Assassins Deed
Homer's Duff Attack
Land of the Dead
Marge Kill Attack
Zombie Attack
Killer Aliens
The Zombie Killers
Susidle Bunnie Rabbits
To Be Or Not To Be
Egghead and Wonder Woman Unite
Oh Bubby Yaghh X2 (winner)
I Will Kill You Because You Killed My Man
Puberty Paul
Mass Murder Magazine
Death By Itchy Nose
The Assassins Best
Awesome Sauce Superheroes
Crazy Animations
What's App!!!
Jimmy Goes Bad
I'm Having What She's Having
Jimmy Goes Mad
The Crazy Wazys
Looks Like We Got Us A Badass Over Here (winner)
2C Comic
Smiley Spongebob
Crazy Bob
Strong Bob Hairy Legs
Egg Heads
Wdt vs Bots
Ducks Gone Bonkers (winner)
I'm not sure how edifying these are. Still there are some, for posterity.

If anyone wants me to come and show their kids how to do what I've been doing for a living for the last two decades in my patent Comic Art Masterclasses, drop me a line, a comment, a Twitter, smoke signals, the usual methods. Click below to see more, including video and contact details.

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