And the classes have continued in earnest since then, with travels far and wide. Over the last fortnight I've taught comic art at James Joyce & Michael O'Leary's school Clongowes Wood, at schools in Dublin, Belfast, then Dublin again, and this coming week sees me entertaining the pupils of Wexford, Enniscorthy, Waterford and Dungarvan.
It is always fascinating to see the differences and the similarities between the schools and the pupils I visit. For example last week I had the most delightful group of kids at what turned out to be a Grammar School, who came up with the most imaginative titles for their comics, and included a couple of kids (from year 8 this is) who even devised a little dance which they performed for me and the class based on the title of the comic they'd come up with (Fabulous Crabulous is its name, you'll see it in the blog next week). The very next day I taught at a school of boys for whom such fancy tweeness would have been unimaginable, reminding me what a luxury it is for a lot of kids to be allowed to grow up without being 'hardened' by their surroundings. Whereas the Grammar School year 8s (actually called year 9 in their system) were coming up with witty, ironic, occasionally gothic and overwhelmingly endearing titles, the college kids (also year 8s, known as Second Year) came up with titles overflowing with sexual innuendo and drugs references, the most acceptable being the winner Two Inch Killer (I know. When you see it, you'll see I managed to steer the cover away from the image they clearly had in mind).
Four days and 8 classes await me this week, I cannot wait to see what they dream up. Stay tuned.
Granny's Back - comics by kids Oct 2012
The Hairy Bottom - comics by kids July 2012
There Are Idiots - comics by kids in Hanwell, July 2012
Keep Calm & OMG Panda! - comics by kids June 2012
Kid Afro Spaghetti - comics by kids June 2012
Phil Mitchell Meets Patrick - comics by kids May 2012
Fartimouse Owl - comics by kids May 2012
I ❤ Gingers - comics by kids May 2012
Help I'm A Superhero Get Me Out Of Here! - comics by kids April 2012
Dr Ghenki's Super-Ethical Happy Fun Time - comics by kids April 2012
Bilal's Mole - comics by kids March 2012
Who Stole Batman's Potty? - first comics by kids of 2012

If anyone wants me to come and show their kids how to do what I've been doing for a living for the last two decades, drop me a line, a comment, a Twitter, smoke signals, the usual methods. Click below to see more, including video and contact details.

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