Sunday 27 October 2013

Dahhn to Margate (and Horsham and Canterbury)

Now that's what I call planning. Three Socks dates that actually go in a sensible order. Horsham (about 2 and a half hours from home) then Margate (about 2 hours further east) then Canterbury (less than an hour east again).

And the gigs just kept getting better and better, starting with a small but lovely crowd in the big Capitol theatre in Horsham; then an understandably small audience in the Tom Thumb Theatre in Margate, which is the second smallest theatre in the country, only fitting 50 people into its beautiful little environs (adapted in the 1980s from a former Victorian coaching house, the seats came from an old Music Hall, and it is one of the most delightful theatres I've ever been in, and one I want to return to every year); topped off with a sellout in the Spiegeltent at the Canterbury Festival, with more than 200 people giving us one of the best shows in ages. I know I keep saying that, with this autumn's tours having included some simply sensational audience responses, but I can't leave it unacknowledged.

The current 90 minute show (which they had in Horsham and Margate, as well as Farnham, Birmingham, Derry & Belfast, with Canterbury getting an interval-free 75 minute version) comprises 45 minutes of best-of followed by Socks In Space pretty much in its entirety. A validation of just how good a new Edinburgh show can become, we're getting some of the best laughs and performability from material that didn't exist until July of this year (Avengers, Alien, Star Trek and, inexplicably, Countdown, are killer routines now).

Since you ask, yes I have chosen the theme for next year's show and, yes, I've started writing it already, and yes I have a particular reason for starting writing it so soon and, no, I can't tell you about it yet. Stay tuned, news to follow.

The next gigs as well scheduled as this will be my four day run in Hull, Barton, Chorley and Manchester in November. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a four hour (if I'm lucky) drive home through the (so we're told) worst storm since 1987. I may be some time.


SOCKS IN SPACE - The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre are on tour...NOW!
Oct 24 - The Capitol, Horsham
Oct 25 - Tom Thumb Theatre, Margate
Oct 26 - Canterbury Festival
Nov 1 - Ace Centre, Nelson
Nov 2 - Leeds Carriageworks
Nov 14 - Hull Comedy Festival
Nov 15 - Ropewalk, Barton On Humber
Nov 16 - Chorley Little Theatre
Nov 17 - Lass O'Gowrie, Manchester 
Nov 30 - Christmas Special, Camden Head, London
Dec 6 - Christmas Special, Ring O'Bells, Bath

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