Tuesday, 28 April 2015
Delilah - new song / video / outtake from the Socks
Brand new on the Youtube, the Socks unveil another outtake from Minging Detectives. Their take on Delilah. And songs about serial killers. Yes, yes, it would be great to show you all the great, funny, successful, stuff-that-really-works from our mega crime-themed extravaganza but we're in an ongoing "keeping our powder dry" situation with stuff like that. They saw some in Barton last week and liked it, so hold your breath and keep waiting. It really will be worth it.
Did we mention tickets for Edinburgh are on sale already? Yes they are selling, and quite nicely FOR APRIL! (Never been on sale this early, it's brilliant. Thankyou forward-planners of the comedy-going world.)
The Socks do new material from Minging Detectives, and the best of their recent satire, on tour
May 15 Exchange Keighley
May 22 & 23 Brighton Komedia
June 25 Cheltenham
June 27 Old Joint Stock Birmingham
July 17 Carriageworks Leeds
July 19 Sheffield New Barrack Tavern
July 23 Spread Eagle Croydon
July 24 Porters, Cardiff
July 25 Bedford Fringe
Aug 5 - 31 10.30pm Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Fringe
Saturday, 25 April 2015
Me in Writing Comedy, and The War Cry, and Oink
I am indebted to the good people of Hodder & Stoughton who have sent me, totally out of the blue, a copy of Writing Comedy by Lesley Bown. Why, I wondered, had I been so honoured? And the reason is that I'm in it.
I'd totally forgotten that Lesley had interviewed me online, all about comedy writing, following her involvement with The Sitcom Trials over the years. Coincidentally the Sitcom Trials has reared its head again this week, with shows being announced in Birmingham, Cardiff and Manchester. What were the chances? Here are some more of my words of wisdom.
I'm sure I'll get round to reading Writing Comedy shortly, but just in case I don't get a chance to write a review of it let's just say "a definitive and authoritative guide, and a fun read to boot - 5 stars, Kev F Sutherland" and look forward to seeing that in the next edition.
And while I'm on, have I written anything worth recording on Facebook or Twitter in the last month..?
The Guardian proofreader, you had one job http://www.theguardian.com/uk (from Guardian online, front page, now)
Well done, Amazon, well done.
Ooh look, my Samson strip's been mentioned in The War Cry. The big time. Photograph courtesy of Audrey in Bodelwyddan.
How puerile am I? Laughing out loud cos a commentator said "I've got the Oxford cocks in my ear". #boatrace
Thanks to Phil Boyce and his Oink! comic blog for unearthing this strip I wrote and drew for Oink 27 years ago. How many breakfast puns? And how dated are most of them? http://the-oink-blog.blogspot.co.uk/…/57-completely-unrelat…
Friday, 24 April 2015
Vampire Afro Sheep - new comics by kids
A healthy bit of travelling and some good long days work and here we have a bulging grab bag of brand new comics by kids in my Comic Art Masterclasses. Above we see the creations of two primary schools in Northumbria, paid for by the Hexham Book Festival who not only paid for the classes and the above-average length of travel, but put Hev and I up in a lovely little guest house in the smashing historic town of Hexham. (Google it. How many wars have they had in that market place?). And when the day in schools was over, I did an evening session in the library too...
...with a title that came straight from the 1950s (which became a bit of a running joke. I do seem to conjure up a lot of references from the distant past without realising). The photo of me grinning cheesily comes from Dyson Perrins school in Malvern where the kids came up with these comics:
The pupils were from various intake primary schools, ranging from year 4 to the school's year 7s, and a wonderful diversity of comic strips resulted. And last week I was working with pupils in Swindon...
Nylands school has pupils with special educational needs, though frankly I couldn't tell. Excellent work all round, and a treat to work with. This week's pupils were all asked to select a celebrity for me to draw in the "treads on a worm" demonstration strip, and these seven groups plumped for Dec, Johnny Depp, David Tennant, Stephen Hawking, Lady Gaga, Vin Diesel and Alan Carr. (No Simon Cowell this time, though he was one of the suggestions in a third of classes).

Kev F Sutherland, as well as writing and drawing for The Beano, Marvel, Doctor Who et al, runs Comic Art Masterclasses in schools, libraries and art centres - email for details, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter. View the promo video here.
Sunday, 19 April 2015
Minging Detectives Dick (about in) Barton - work in progress
Thanks to everyone at the Ropewalk in Barton On Humber now (possibly our 5th time there) for a cracking Socks gig, including the biggest tryout of new Minging Detectives material so far.
It's the first 90 minute show we've done this year that didn't contain any of Socks In Space. Even when we were getting our 5 star review at the Rondo in Bath last week, the review mentioned that things like the David Bowie song and Star Wars were getting over-familiar, and we have been including a good half hour of S.I.S. in the touring show since it ran in Edinburgh in 2013. Well tonight they got none of it.
The first half was almost entirely ...And So Am I (last year's satire show) with lots of opportunity to ad lib and talk about the election. We included Earth Song & the Magic routine, but that was it for the first 45 mins (no old faithfuls like Halloween, What's Missing Off TV, Local Zombies, Crack in the Toilet or Exorcist). Then in part 2 we opened with the Combine Mumford song from And So Am I, then launched into the new Minging Detectives gear.
New punny material got mostly laughs but some groans. From memory the groaners were Cannon, Rebus and the laughs were Luthor, Persuaders, Magnum, NYPD Blue, In Cold Blood.
Merchant of Venice - OK, needs better punchline.
Dixon of Dock Green - nothing much
Z Cars - excellent. And the costumes very good.
(Then threw in Walk On Wild Side to get great laughs)
Black & White Minstrels (now 30 secs shorter) - some very good laughs, costumes help.
Inspector Morse - very good, good punchline. (Used new cop outfit, which needs material)
Sofie Grabol (ad-libbed Y/J routine) - good but lacked punchline. Good response for costume.
The Sweary - some parts very good, will get funnier. Needs costumes.
(Then threw in 4 Horsemen song, which perked show back up again)
Hatton Garden Heist - great laughs for new costumes by Hev, then some good laughs throughout. Will get better. Not a bad end for the show (though I'm betting something even better will develop)
We then ended with the Baby In The Corner running gag, which had been threaded through the show, it's a very good way of stringing new unrelated sketches together and giving us a good close.
Then for finale we ad-libbed musicals, with a particularly good and drawn-out 7 Brides for 7 Brothers going on for ages and getting better as it went. One of those bits that only works when you've got a really good and supportive audience, which tonight's were, they were fab.
And finally Sweary Poppins and we were off.
So, an excellent show, and a triumph to have proved we can do a Socks In Space-free 90 mins. There was about 30 mins of Minging Detectives, almost all of it staying in the show, which is a great position to be in a this point in the run up to Edinburgh. (In comparison, in the last week of June 2013, Socks In Space was doing a run of previews in which I was trying out new songs, 2 out of 3 of which were cut from the final show, and we were still including things like the Melies routine which I'd long since forgotten, it was long gone by August )
More writing ahead, and by the way I'm really enjoying it.
The Socks do new material from Minging Detectives, and the best of their recent satire, on tour
Apr 18 Ropewalk Barton
Apr 24 Neath NRG Cafe
May 15 Exchange Keighley
May 22 & 23 Brighton Komedia
June 25 Cheltenham
June 27 Old Joint Stock Birmingham
July 17 Carriageworks Leeds
July 19 - Sheffield New Barrack Tavern
July 23 - Spread Eagle Croydon
July 24 - Porters Cardiff
July 25 - Bedford Fringe
Aug 5 - 31 10.30pm Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Fringe
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Call the cops - first new costume for Minging Detectives + new ad

A good couple of days this week have been spent preparing Minging Detectives, with some good new bits of script emerging that will be tested for the first time on Saturday at the Ropewalk in Barton. Also the first new costumes for the show, with more still in development.
This rather low-res photo (cock up on the Photoshop front) shows the new cop outfit that I've made, which doesn't yet have the script to go with it, though it will make an appearance on Saturday. And sitting at home we have Hev's fantastic handiwork on two 1960s police uniforms (for Z Cars and the Black & White Minstrels song, and possibly other sketches), and two excellent jumpers - a Sofie Grabol The Killing, and a Dennis The Menace who's now a bank robber - both knitted by Anet and amended by Hev.
New script material includes a bank robbery sketch and a shedload of new excruciating wordplay material (let us see how well the NYPD Blue, Magnum, Cannon, Persuaders, PD James, In Cold Blood, Morse and Sherlock gags go, all new this week).
Ooh, just remembered, I need to burn a new CD of the newly shortened Black & White Minstrels song (shaved 30 seconds off it yesterday) and the Cop Reggae medley (added a minute to it last week, it acts as the first 4 mins of the new audience in music).
Now that Edinburgh tickets are on sale (though none sold yet, chiz chiz) I've started tweeting our teaser ads, the "Titles that we reject". And a new one was added to the existing pile of 17 images this week. Namely...
Now having great fun with the scripts, the props, and the promotion for Minging Detectives, but I really having to knuckle down on putting out proper promotions to the wider media, ensuring the telly and all come along to Edinburgh, and making it the best show ever. Onwards.
The Socks do new material from Minging Detectives, and the best of their recent satire, on tour
Apr 18 Ropewalk Barton
Apr 24 Neath NRG Cafe
May 15 Exchange Keighley
May 22 & 23 Brighton Komedia
June 25 Cheltenham
June 27 Old Joint Stock Birmingham
July 17 Carriageworks Leeds
July 19 - Sheffield New Barrack Tavern
July 23 - Spread Eagle Croydon
July 25 - Bedford Fringe
Aug 5 - 31 10.30pm Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Fringe
Monday, 13 April 2015
Socks Edinburgh flyers since 2007 - inc the latest
A design classic in the making, here are the Socks Edinburgh flyers since 2007, laid out on the desk in my studio, including the latest, fresh out of the design mill. It's fun to see how they've changed over the years.
That first one, from 2007, makes me cringe. It wasn't until the following year that the Socks had any costumes whatsoever, and even then they spent most of the show naked. By 2009 they'd perfected the costume changes that are now their trademark, two of which they wear proudly on the 3rd flyer, and by 2010 we had the Star Wars costumes, as you can see.
The flyers, and my on-street technique, have always played a major part on the show's success. I've maintained, since my very first Fringe show with The Sitcom Trials in 2011, that 300 flyers given out in a day should turn into 30 bums on seats, a 10% hit rate, and I still think that holds true. Though over the years the competition has got stiffer. Certainly over those first four years (07-10) the Socks audiences grew steadily, giving a wonderful rising graph and an ever-growing collection of sellout emblems. Then we took 2011 off, and when we returned...
2012's Boo Lingerie, which is still one of my favourite titles though nobody but nobody else seems to like it, suffered from taking place in Olympic year, when every show took a hit. Our audiences were so far down on 2010's high it was embarrassing. Worse, we'd also agreed to do a kids show in the morning, which meant we had a double-sided flyer (you can only see one side here, the other "Chunky Woolen Nits" being a rehash of 2009's flyer), and split our available audience in two. We ended up getting almost exactly as many bums on seats as we had two years ago, but had to do twice as many shows to get them!
2013's Socks In Space is a favourite show and a favourite flyer - with audiences rising again to match - and 2014's ...And So Am I satire show was another triumph, despite the laziest flyer of all (virtually a repeat of 2009's, with a new guitar). And so to 2015's Minging Detectives...
Ta-daa. I think we have another winner here, I look forward to it doing the work. And look, the Gilded Balloon's celebrating 30 years at Edinburgh - and I've been doing shows there for half that time. Here's to us, now to a) design the back of the flyer and b) write the bloody show!
UPDATE. The back. (Still not written the show):
The Socks do new material from Minging Detectives, and the best of their recent satire, on tour
Apr 4 Rondo Bath Comedy Festival
Apr 18 Ropewalk Barton
Apr 24 Neath NRG Cafe
May 15 Exchange Keighley
May 22 & 23 Brighton Komedia
June 25 Cheltenham
June 27 Old Joint Stock Birmingham
July 17 Carriageworks Leeds
July 19 - Sheffield New Barrack Tavern
July 23 - Spread Eagle Croydon
July 25 - Bedford Fringe
Aug 5 - 31 10.30pm Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Fringe
Saturday, 11 April 2015
My Fat Bum - new comics by kids
It's the Easter holidays for schools, so I've been doing Comic Art Masterclasses in a library and an art centre with kids of all ages. Here we see the inventions of a couple of small groups in Alton in Hampshire. My Fat Bum is the sort of title I try to avoid in schools, because I know there's always going to be someone who'll complain. But in the holidays, it's open season on fat bums.
And these are the comics from Harpenden library in Herts. Interestingly these two slightly uninspired titles came from two big groups, with 32 titles to choose from in one case, whereas the slightly more interesting titles came from two very small groups, only 8 apiece as a result of a technical cockup (a third party had booked, and paid for, 20 tickets per class then didn't pass them on to the kids, which meant they'd been turning people away from the classes). I wonder if there's some statistical correlation between the size of the group and the mundanity of the title they ended up choosing? Either way, the title "Something Something I Had No Idea What To Call It" is quite a challenge when it comes to thinking what to draw on the cover.
Why yes, of course I posed cheesily by a flipchart. Don't I always?
The Hot Rod Cow-themed comics from Kent, you've seen in an earlier blog. Across these 6 classes, the celebrities that they chose to tread on a worm were Simon Cowell (three times in total), David Cameron, Katy Perry and Michael Jackson.
Kev F Sutherland, as well as writing and drawing for The Beano, Marvel, Doctor Who et al, runs Comic Art Masterclasses in schools, libraries and art centres - email for details, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter. View the promo video here.
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
Minging Detectives at Edinburgh Fringe - on sale now
With 4 months to go before the first night, the Scottish Falsetto Socks new show Minging Detectives - "One of the truly great comic inventions of our time" - ★★★★★ Theatre Bath April 2015 - is on sale. Is this the earliest our tickets have gone on sale? (Goes off to Google previous years*).
*2014 - on sale 14th April
2013 - on sale 10th May
2012 - on sale 28th May
2010 - on sale 5th June
At this rate next year's show will be on sale before this year's out. Let's make this a great big biggie.
The Socks will be debuting new material from Minging Detectives, and the best of their recent satire, on tour
Apr 4 Rondo Bath Comedy Festival
Apr 18 Ropewalk Barton
Apr 24 Neath NRG Cafe
May 15 Exchange Keighley
May 22 & 23 Brighton Komedia
June 25 Cheltenham
June 27 Old Joint Stock Birmingham
July 17 Carriageworks Leeds
July 19 - Sheffield New Barrack Tavern
July 23 - Spread Eagle Croydon
July 25 - Bedford Fringe
Aug 5 - 31 10.30pm Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Fringe
Sunday, 5 April 2015
★★★★★ "One of the truly great comic inventions of our time" - Theatre Bath
(Backstage selfie, Scottish Falsetto Socks at the Rondo Theatre, Bath April 4 2015)
Brilliant! The Socks first review of 2015 and it's 5 stars. Thanks to John Christopher Wood at Theatre Bath for this review of last night's show:
The Socks will be debuting new material from Minging Detectives, and the best of their recent satire, on tour
Apr 4 Rondo Bath Comedy Festival
Apr 18 Ropewalk Barton
Apr 24 Neath NRG Cafe
May 15 Exchange Keighley
May 22 & 23 Brighton Komedia
June 25 Cheltenham
June 27 Old Joint Stock Birmingham
July 17 Carriageworks Leeds
July 25 - Bedford Fringe
Aug 5 - 31 10.30pm Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Fringe
Brilliant! The Socks first review of 2015 and it's 5 stars. Thanks to John Christopher Wood at Theatre Bath for this review of last night's show:
The Falsetto Socks show has been around for quite a while now; interesting to see if it’s still as funny as it has been. Well, readers, I’m here to tell you that it is. This performance at the Rondo has its audience, including yours truly, hooting and screeching with appreciation
throughout an exceptionally gag-packed comedic experience which
requires an interval in which to get the breath back. The duelling duo
of argumentative footwear is as raucous as ever; one of them a bit dim, the other a bit bad-tempered, and their constant verbal fisticuffs make Punch and Judy look like what it is. Child’s play. The ad-libbing ability is incredibly sharp, and can instantly turn any slightest audience event into a full-fledged comedy routine on the spot (The
strange incident of two audience members banging on a side door by the
stage to be let in proves to be a gift, rather than a distraction.). One or two of the older gags are still in; but it doesn’t really matter; even when you’ve witnessed the crazed misinterpretation of the lyrics of Michael Jackson’s Earthsong as often as I have, it’s still funny. But
there’s more; layer on layer of extended ludicrous puns; lots of
idiotic costumes (Costumes? For socks?); wonderfully slanderous songs
about UKIP, about ‘70s police corruption; about David Bowie in old age - and why it’s even funnier because it’s Scottish, and falsetto, I don’t know, but it emphatically is. This
is a wide-ranging comic imagination that seemingly knows no bounds, all
delivered at breathtaking speed with nary a nanosecond between gags.
The Sox remains, for this critic, one of the truly great comic inventions of our time. Miss it at your peril.
***** (5 Stars)
John Christopher Wood
The Socks will be debuting new material from Minging Detectives, and the best of their recent satire, on tour
Apr 4 Rondo Bath Comedy Festival
Apr 18 Ropewalk Barton
Apr 24 Neath NRG Cafe
May 15 Exchange Keighley
May 22 & 23 Brighton Komedia
June 25 Cheltenham
June 27 Old Joint Stock Birmingham
July 17 Carriageworks Leeds
July 25 - Bedford Fringe
Aug 5 - 31 10.30pm Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Fringe
Friday, 3 April 2015
Minging t shirts and more on eBay
I put some stuff on eBay this week. For example...
The years have not been kind to poor old Judge Dredd. And this t shirt is testament to that. Once pristine white, this is a fine and glowing example of the earliest merchandise from 2000AD comic.
Dating back to the mid 1980s, this Mick McMahon Judge Dredd design - "No One Apes The Law" - is a favourite from the comic's heyday. It's quite possible that brand new and freshly-printed versions of this shirt could be obtained.
But would they be as valuable as this original? Glowing is not the word. Perspiring is the word.
Someone, around thirty years ago, perspired their little comic-loving heart out over this t-shirt. And despite repeated washings, this t shirt steadfastly refuses to give up those memories. It would rather lose the pattern off its chest than lose the DNA evidence that has become one with its armpits and, for some reason, the collar area.
It's not inconceivable that clone technology will advance sufficiently in the coming years for scientists to be able to use this t-shirt to grow a whole brand new me. How appropriate would that be, for a Judge Dredd t shirt? Totally appropriate, that's how.
Cos he's a clone. If you've not read a Judge Dredd comic lately. They're all clones of Judge Fargo. Like I needed to tell you.
So, some would call this t shirt minging. Others see a future race of super-cops in the making. The choice is yours.
When They Might Be Giants toured the UK and Europe for the first time, way back in 1990, at the height of the success of Flood and Birdhouse In Your Soul, I saw them live in Cardiff and this was the souvenir t shirt I bought.
Yes I wore it. Yes that was 25 years ago. Yes despite repeated washings it wears some of the signs of aging. But godammit this is a piece of history, a design classic.
Look at those tour dates on the back. Look at that illustration on the front. Look again at the slight yellowing of the basic t shirt itself. How many of these babies do you think survived the 90s? Not many, I'm betting.
This incredibly rare piece of timeless TMBG memorabilia - nay a slice of an epoch in material form - could be yours. But only if you act fast, and shush, don't let too many people know this treasure is here on eBay. Once word gets out and the bidding frenzy begins, you'll be sorry.
Don't let's start, this is the worst part. To believe for all the world that you were my precious little t-shirt...
As a result, this t shirt has been worn quite a bit. It's clean, freshly washed indeed, but the amount it's been worn and reworn is evidenced in the fact that you can no longer read the label.
I'd probably still be wearing it now, but it's a Medium and, for reasons that remain unfathomable, I no longer am.
It bears the Official Edinburgh Fringe logo, which kids today who think the Fringe is some sort of comedy festival probably don't even know exists. But it does. And you can own it.
The years have not been kind to poor old Judge Dredd. And this t shirt is testament to that. Once pristine white, this is a fine and glowing example of the earliest merchandise from 2000AD comic.
Dating back to the mid 1980s, this Mick McMahon Judge Dredd design - "No One Apes The Law" - is a favourite from the comic's heyday. It's quite possible that brand new and freshly-printed versions of this shirt could be obtained.
But would they be as valuable as this original? Glowing is not the word. Perspiring is the word.
Someone, around thirty years ago, perspired their little comic-loving heart out over this t-shirt. And despite repeated washings, this t shirt steadfastly refuses to give up those memories. It would rather lose the pattern off its chest than lose the DNA evidence that has become one with its armpits and, for some reason, the collar area.
It's not inconceivable that clone technology will advance sufficiently in the coming years for scientists to be able to use this t-shirt to grow a whole brand new me. How appropriate would that be, for a Judge Dredd t shirt? Totally appropriate, that's how.
Cos he's a clone. If you've not read a Judge Dredd comic lately. They're all clones of Judge Fargo. Like I needed to tell you.
So, some would call this t shirt minging. Others see a future race of super-cops in the making. The choice is yours.
When They Might Be Giants toured the UK and Europe for the first time, way back in 1990, at the height of the success of Flood and Birdhouse In Your Soul, I saw them live in Cardiff and this was the souvenir t shirt I bought.
Yes I wore it. Yes that was 25 years ago. Yes despite repeated washings it wears some of the signs of aging. But godammit this is a piece of history, a design classic.
Look at those tour dates on the back. Look at that illustration on the front. Look again at the slight yellowing of the basic t shirt itself. How many of these babies do you think survived the 90s? Not many, I'm betting.
This incredibly rare piece of timeless TMBG memorabilia - nay a slice of an epoch in material form - could be yours. But only if you act fast, and shush, don't let too many people know this treasure is here on eBay. Once word gets out and the bidding frenzy begins, you'll be sorry.
Don't let's start, this is the worst part. To believe for all the world that you were my precious little t-shirt...
This classic rare collectible, circa 1990, originally had a thermos
which is now gone. The lunchpail / lunchbox is a beautiful bright pink
having been kept in a dark cupboard for the last 25 years and looks as
good as new, save for a few tiny scuffs as you might expect.
This lunchbox came out just before Pee Wee Herman was removed from Pee Wee's Playhouse TV show (for reasons that you can Google). All merchandise disappeared pretty much immediately so those of us with these treasures tucked away have looked after them.
Okay, I didn't look after the thermos so well, that's got lost sometime in the last 25 years. But the lunchbox is intact and looks as good as it did when we bought it.
We live in the UK, so this lunchbox has never impressed anyone. In the UK Pee Wee Herman can't get arrested. Unlike in the States, it turns out.
The Edinburgh Festival Fringe has been taking place every year since
1947. This official commemorative t shirt comes from our visit in 1985.
We love going to the Edinburgh Fringe and have been almost every year
since then.This lunchbox came out just before Pee Wee Herman was removed from Pee Wee's Playhouse TV show (for reasons that you can Google). All merchandise disappeared pretty much immediately so those of us with these treasures tucked away have looked after them.
Okay, I didn't look after the thermos so well, that's got lost sometime in the last 25 years. But the lunchbox is intact and looks as good as it did when we bought it.
We live in the UK, so this lunchbox has never impressed anyone. In the UK Pee Wee Herman can't get arrested. Unlike in the States, it turns out.
As a result, this t shirt has been worn quite a bit. It's clean, freshly washed indeed, but the amount it's been worn and reworn is evidenced in the fact that you can no longer read the label.
I'd probably still be wearing it now, but it's a Medium and, for reasons that remain unfathomable, I no longer am.
It bears the Official Edinburgh Fringe logo, which kids today who think the Fringe is some sort of comedy festival probably don't even know exists. But it does. And you can own it.
Samson's out, and I'm all over the radio
Now if there's a gig you never thought I'd be up for, here it is. I've written and drawn Samson's Philistine Wife for Bible Society's new book Pass It On, in which I join such luminaries as Anthony Horowitz and Sir Andrew Motion, all of us doing original versions of Bible stories.
More than that, I've made the front cover (above), and I've been put and about doing radio interviews. I've pre-recorded interviews for Q Radio Network in Northern Ireland and BBC Radio Kent, which will go out on Easter Sunday, when I'll also be doing a BBC Bristol interview. And here we see me talking live this morning to Paul Coia on BBC Radio Berkshire (he's out of shot on account of his being in Berkshire while I was in the studios on Whiteladies Road in Bristol).
(That's right, my jaw moves faster than the camera can take. There's a lot to say)
You can get Pass It On for free by going to biblesociety.org.uk and either downloading the pdf or ordering an actual hard copy book. Schools can order up to 150 copies, all for free. That, I guess, is what Bible Society is there for. And the fun doesn't stop there...
...because there's a competition that's free to enter, where you can send in your own adaptation of a Bible story, and the winner gets not only an iPad but sees their story illustrated by me. Yes that is a prize.
I have been making it clear in my interviews that I'm an athiest, and no-one seems to mind. So far I've not spoiled anyone's Easter weekend with the revelation. And by the way I'm very pleased with my comic strip, I hope you all enjoy reading it.
Kev F Sutherland, as well as writing and drawing for The Beano, Marvel, Doctor Who et al, runs Comic Art Masterclasses in schools, libraries and art centres - email for details, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter. View the promo video here.
Thursday, 2 April 2015
My Nicer Tuesdays talk
I was delighted to be asked this week to talk for ten minutes on the subject of comics, without hesitation, deviation or repetition starting now.... sorry, wrong show. It was for Nicer Tuesdays, an event hosted by It's Nice That magazine, who have interviewed before now. And a lovely time was had by all. The kids tweeted me...
"My favourite editors have been the ones that allow the creators to create" @KevFComicArtist pic.twitter.com/gGwjW9e30X
— It's Nice That (@itsnicethat) March 31, 2015
... and the review of the whole evening (which very kindly missed out any mention of my spare tyre and bad hair day, both of which need some urgent sorting) looked like this:
Here's what you missed at the Childhood-themed Nicer Tuesdays!
Posted by Maisie Skidmore,
As host Liv Siddall helpfully reiterated last night “we’ve all been
children at some point,” so the theme of Childhood is a surprisingly
appropriate one for a night of talks from people doing brilliant work in
the art and design world. Among the ones who spoke at Nicer Tuesdays
last night we heard from Toby Parkin, who is lead curator of the hotly
anticipated New Interactive Museum at London’s well-loved Science
Museum, comics artist Kev F. Sutherland who has drawn characters for the
likes of the Beano, Katie Johnston from Playology and Dean of London College of Communication, Lawrence Zeegen.
Toby Parkin speaking at Nicer Tuesdays
Toby Parkin: The Science Museum
First up was Toby Parkin from London’s Science Museum to talk us through the history, educational nature and rigorous testing of exhibits at the museum, which has seen literally millions of kids’ faces light up with joy since it first opened in 1928. “This was the most popular exhibit that I think we ever had,” he revealed showing us a black and white photographs of an automatic door which was installed in the museum in the 60s, when they were still a rarity. “And it literally is just an automatic door.” Toby gave some invaluable insights into the challenges of creating an environment which balances education and play, which is no mean feat.www.sciencemuseum.org.uk
Kev F. Sutherland speaking at Nicer Tuesdays
Kev F. Sutherland: Comics Artist
I’m confident in proclaiming that there is likely not a comics fan in existence who hasn’t come into contact with the work of Kev F. Sutherland at some point or other. The prolific illustrator is responsible for The Bash Street Kids, Dennis the Menace, Roger the Dodger and Minnie the Minx to mention just a few, and his success is due without a doubt to the fact that he loves to draw.In the course of his dynamic discussion about the nature of his work Kev revealed that he covertly inserts his name into every comic strip he draws, whether it be etched onto some hidden packaging or outlined in the shadows, fuelling us to gaze knowingly at his work forevermore.
Katie Johnston speaking at Nicer Tuesdays
Katie Johnston speaking at Nicer Tuesdays
Katie Johnston speaking at Nicer Tuesdays
Katie Johnston speaking at Nicer Tuesdays
Katie Johnston speaking at Nicer Tuesdays
Katie Johnston speaking at Nicer Tuesdays
Katie Johnston
Katie Johnston is one half of Playology, a studio run by her and her fellow interactive illustrator Charlene Man, which takes enormous complex subjects and breaks them down into comprehensive strategic games to help kids get their heads around them. She told us about the process of building a giant digestive system soft play area to help children understand the digestive process, complete with a mouth containing removable teeth, an elasticated rectum that could be climbed through, and a selection of cuddly poos which could be ejected whenever. She also had us mimicking the system with a balloon race, which caused no end of entertainment.www.play-o-logy.com
Lawrence Zeegen speaking at Nicer Tuesdays
Lawrence Zeegen
Finishing up the evening was Lawrence Zeegen with a very nostalgic reflection on the life of Peter and Jane, the siblings who appeared throughout the series of Ladybird Books and basically taught everyone in the world to read. Having just finished curating an exhibition and writing a book about the timeless illustrations he was very well equipped to talk to about them, pointing out the limited world view of the family – white, Christian, wholesome and clean at all costs – and the excitement which ensued when they were modernised in the 70s.www.ladybird.co.uk
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Nicer Tuesdays: Childhood
Nicer Tuesdays: Childhood
Nicer Tuesdays: Childhood
Kev F Sutherland, as well as writing Bananaman in The Beano, runs Comic Art Masterclasses in schools, libraries and art centres - email for details, and follow him on Facebook and Twitter. View the new promo video here.
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