Thursday, 25 June 2020
My first Zoom Masterclass - it's good to be back
Go To Greggs - The Socks live online
Recorded for Dean Friedman's Dean Zine Live Stream on June 21st, here's the Socks doing Go To Greggs, from last year's Roll Up show. I think this may be the first time this song's appeared online, so do enjoy it.

The Scottish Falsetto Socks full hour-long Superheroes show is available, free, on Youtube here. See more of their videos all over Youtube, follow them on Twitter and Facebook. And, if you're lucky, they'll be performing live again as soon as that's a thing.
Fresh Prince Of Denmark Street - video
A brand new bit of fun, a video of the 'rap' Fresh Prince Of Denmark Street' that I threw together when inspiration struck. I can confirm it's done little to boost the Kickstarter, but I enjoyed doing it.
My debut graphic novel Findlay Macbeth, available on Amazon now:
Order through Gardners or Askews and Holts, ISBN 978-1-5272-5853-2
Friday, 19 June 2020
The Deli Song - Dean Friedman and The Scottish Falsetto Socks
What a treat this was. The Socks duetting with Dean Friedman on one of our favourite tracks of his, The Deli Song (Corned Beef On Wry) from his classic 1978 album Well Well Said The Rocking Chair.

The Scottish Falsetto Socks full hour-long Superheroes show is available, free, on Youtube here. See more of their videos all over Youtube, follow them on Twitter and Facebook. And, if you're lucky, they'll be performing live again as soon as that's a thing.
Tuesday, 16 June 2020
Journal Of The Plague Year - May to June
Really? A month without writing a diary? In truth, drawing Prince Of Denmark Street has kept me delightfully busy. It’s been the best feeling, knowing what I have to do every morning, then going to my desk and doing it. And at the end of the day having between two and four pages drawn.
(Work in progress on PODS here, and the new book here)
Dean Friedman’s DeanZine Live Streams on alternate Sunday nights have been my only Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre gigs. On April 19th we debuted Stay Two Metres Apart and did the What Kind of F&C Song; May 3rd we duetted with him on Lucky Stars and debuted Miley Cyrus; on May 24th we debuted The Bechdel Test Song, and on June 7th we duetted with him on The Deli Song. These have been the greatest fun and such an honour.
Felicity’s fortnightly Zoom quiz parties, which are the same weekends at the Dean shows, have been our only communication with the rest of the world to speak of. On May 23rd it was Tom’s Birthday Murder Mystery Night, which we curated and briefed everyone on, sat at Doris Hatt’s 1930s house in Clevedon. On Sat 6th June we did the Conservatory Escape Room. Others have been straight quiz nights, where Hev & I’ve loved making up questions which, I’m sure, no-one has enjoyed answering. I love answering other people’s questions, so maybe I’m getting more out of these parties than most.
May 7: Be honest, whose heart lights up at the words "is returning with a Lockdown Special?"
May 8: Was David Tennant auditioning for the role of Findlay Macbeth on tonight’s HIGNFY?
May 14: The Covid story - which episode are we in?
I’m finding it quite exciting not knowing which episode of the Covid Story we’re in. Is it the first chapter, or the end of Season One?
It all hinges on what happens following May 10th’s “Stay Alert” plot point. If nothing happens, infections continue to fall, and it all goes away, then it turns out we were at the end of Season One, and the disappointing Season Two will be more about the run up to the US election than anything else.
But if we get the Commuter Conundrum from the crowded tubes and buses, or The Clubhouse Cluster episode where every golfer and tennis player gets it, or the subplot of the Estate Agent Superspreader, it could be that we are in fact only at the end of episode one, and the season’s only just starting.
So exciting.
May 16: The Lockdown movie-trawl continues to see us watching things we might have otherwise overlooked. Here are two corkers from this week - Adult Life Skills and The Breakfast Club.
Adult Life Skills is by first time writer/director Rachel Tunnard, based on her award winning short, and it stars Doctor Who. Simple and sweet.
And I'm probably the only person who'd managed to let 35 years slide by without ever seeing The Breakfast Club. John Hughes truly was a brilliant and original film maker (I can watch Home Alone and Planes Trains & Automobiles forever) and this has stood the test of the decades well. Feeble ending notwithstanding (spoiler alert) it's an excellent bit of writing and directing.
May 21: The jury's still out on Sweden. I was, a month back, keeping track of Sweden's Covid death toll, but found it wasn't telling us anything conclusive. Today we learn Sweden has the highest death rate per capita in the world from Covid. But that still doesn't tell us anything.
The Swedish government's argument is that people were going to die from Covid, and that's what's happened. They've let it happen faster than other countries, which means they'll achieve 'herd immunity' before other countries, and in the meantime they've kept their economy running more actively than other countries.
Meanwhile New Zealand has all-but eliminated Covid from the country, meaning that as soon as they let in an infected tourist their Covid pandemic restarts from scratch.
The UK are somewhere in the middle. Unlike New Zealand and Sweden, the UK didn't have a plan. Or rather they started with the Swedish plan ("Herd immunity, and if a few pensioners die, then tough" - Dominic Cummings), then when they realised our hospitals wouldn't be able to cope with that rate of cases, they moved in the New Zealand lockdown direction, but far too late. And here we all are then.
It will be months before we can start reaching conclusions about what was the best thing to do, who did the best thing, and what people did wrong. In the meantime, judge not lest ye be judged yourself, I guess.
May 22: (The Dominic Cummings story breaks)
New Game show idea: Corono-dem or Corona-done?
Who do we forgive for breaking the rules, who do we let off because we like them? Round 1: Dominic Cummings v Neil Gaiman.
Round 2: Kirsty Allsop v our upstairs neighbours.
Repeat until you've vented sufficiently.
Sources close to Dominic Cummings defend his trip from London to Durham while he had virus symptoms.
May 24: Dominic Cummings is let off
Disastrous. This is where the Second Wave of infection begins. From this moment on no one will heed any instructions for lockdown. If a government employee can flout the clear laws and guidelines, then nobody will feel bound by them.
This cowardly decision has killed people. (Says he, hoping to be proved wrong.)
The good news is, we live with 250 miles of loads of great places, so sightseeing trips are back on.
Don't worry, we plan to kidnap a 4 year old child to ride shotgun. We know the rules.
May 31:
Whither Lockdown?
The lockdown has disintegrated, whether by cockup or conspiracy (and my money's on cockup). This week, quoting "Cummings Rules" we drove through the centre of Bristol for the first time in 2 and a half months (we live ten miles away) and even stopped to buy something. It looked like a normal weekday except most shops were shut. I'm sure most of you can report similar experiences from the last two sunbathe-and-barbeque weekends.
The problem will come if this much vaunted Second Wave is really big, as some say it will be. Chances are places like my town (in North Somerset, the whole county of which has had just 444 cases and 94 deaths) have seen nary a microgram of coronavirus in all this time, and any drop of it that's come to town has been avoided till it died. If, as is feared, the first tourists bring it for, effectively, the first time and we have a super-ballooning of cases, how will anyone impose a lockdown again?
June 1: You know what I've always wondered? Whose job is it to put Trump's toys back in his pram every night?
June 2: Today I am buying ISBN numbers. Rather optimistically I am buying a pack of ten, instead of just the one I need.
From this we can conclude the pandemic will end tomorrow, I'll get back to work in schools, and will never have time to write another book.
June 7: That feeling when you get a survey from a car hire company asking how much you enjoyed the car you forgot to cancel from your cancelled flight this weekend!
(Yes I'm checking my future flights!)
June 15: Here's what you're missing. The convention table you could have seen me sat behind at Satellite Conventions Glasgow & Lawless: A Celebration Of British Comics Bristol & #LFCC & The Lakes (you still might) & Bath Comic-Con and more...
Who's organising any social-distanced cons? I'll sign books and throw them at anyone who wants one!
The 3rd Book - Work In Progress
I began writing PODS in the first week of lockdown, on March 20th. Rough script finished March 31st. 5 days to lay it out into scripted laid lout pages, 7 days to produce pencil roughs. In the end I drew 118 pages, and covers, and extras, between April 16th and June 1st. 6 weeks & 4 days, or 46 days, to draw 118 pages. Two and a half pages a day.
10 weeks from conception to completion for PODS. That means the new book could be completed by the 25th of August, unless I hurry up and get some proper paying work in! Blimey, I could even finish a fourth by Christmas and be a fully fledged pauper.
Tuesday, 9 June 2020
Book sales, Kickstarter figures, and new videos
Here's a new video I've made to promote the Prince Of Denmark Street Kickstarter. We'll see whether it makes a difference.
Conservatory Escape Room Challenge
ESCAPE ROOM – Hev & Kev questions
You are trying to escape from THE CONSERVATORY. You have 10 choices. You get a point if you make the correct choice, and an additional point if you can correctly say why. So there are 20 possible points to be made. Give your first round of guesses IN ONE POST please. When we see how wrong you all, I’ll give you clues about the choices to make (if you still need them). First person to get more than 10 points on first guess wins a free signed copy of my book Findlay Macbeth.
1) You have to throw something. Choose between THE STONE and THE SWITCH.
2) You have to burn something and conserve something. A TREE and A BOOK. Which do you burn?
3) Choose between these pop records: JUMP AROUND and GETTING JIGGY WITH IT
4) Choose an operating system. Will it run on MAC or PC?
5) Choose a place to STUDY: The same place as…?
a) Erik Satie, Camile Saint-Saens, and Mantovani
b) Bernard Hermann, Nina Simone, and Wynton Marsalis
6) There’s a CONTRACT. Do you want to add time to it, or shorten the time left?
7) GLASS half full or glass half empty?
8) Choose where to hang out in CENTRAL PARK;
a) The memorial area by West 72nd, near the Dakota Building
b) North East corner near Museum Mile, between 104th and 106th
9) Choose a FILM. Which one?
a) Alexander Dovzhenko (1930)
b) Clement & La Frenais (1985)
c) M Night Shyalaman (2019)
10) Which are we? A song by The Thomson Twins or Gary Numan?
Happy Escaping campers!
Reason: We’re in conservatory. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
A: Burn the BOOK. Conserve A TREE
Reason: We’re in the conserve-a-tree
Reason: It’s by House Of Pain (Pane, get it?). We’re in a conservatory. (The other is Will Smith)
A: PC. Reason: Windows. Conservatory.
A: Choose a: The CONSERVATOIRE A Paris. (B was Juilliard in New York)
A: ADD TIME. Reason: It’s an EXTENSION. (We’re in a conservatory)
A: EITHER. Both glass.
A: Choose b, The Conservatory Garden (a is Strawberry Fields)
Choose c M Night Shyalaman (GLASS, 2019) The others were Earth and Water
A: Gary Numan – WE ARE GLASS (not We Are Detective)
Monday, 8 June 2020
The Facebook Group where we pretended Edinburgh hadn't been cancelled... is cancelled
My God this weather! This is the road up from The Pleasance this morning. It's neck deep down at the junction with Cowgate.
If it weren't for an impromptu bridge someone's made out of 400 chairs the Royal Mile would be totally cut off!
Good news, I've found the 400 chairs. Bad news, that guy's been up there for three hours now, he clearly had no plan for getting down. Anybody?
Anyone up for tearing down one of those 'statue' guys on the Royal Mile and chucking him in Leith Harbour?