Thursday, 27 February 2025

The Dog With The Gun On Top - 9 comics by kids in just 3 days

A record number of comics made in a short period of time. Nine comics in three days, made by nine groups? Yes, it's Uncle Kev agreeing to do more classes in a day than he's ever done before, and feeling the strain. But I got away with it. Nine comics produced by years 4 to 6 at Havelock Juniors in Desborough.

These by two of Monday's Year 5s.

The first of these is by the first Year 5 from Monday, showing the signs of me having to rush it a bit (I was squeezing my usual 2 hour session into 90 minutes, and I'd just taken three hours to drive up from Chepstow), and the second is the first of the Year 6s from Tuesday.

These two are by Year 6s from Tuesday.

The first two of three comics made with the Year 4s on Wednesday.

And finally the last Year 4 comic of Wednesday, with Miss Womack who was the teacher who'd booked me for this marathon four day visit. Oh yeah, I'm back on Monday to work with the Year 3s.

The celebrities these 9 groups chose to appear in my demonstration strip were Harry Styles, Eminem, Sabrina Carpenter, Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Ant McPartlin, Olivia Rodgrigo, Cristiano Ronaldo, and LeBron James.

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

The school that wouldn’t let kids buy books

I’m sure the situation will improve. But I’m taking a moment to vent my frustration here in my hotel room as I prepare for a second day teaching my Comic Art Masterclass at a school which doesn’t appear to want to let its kids buy my books. 

You see when I visit a school to do my classes, for which I get paid, I email them in advance to say I’ll be bringing my book (currently Richard The Third) and that the kids can buy signed copies, for just £7 as opposed to the £8.99 they cost on Amazon. Most schools do this, some can’t get their act together in time, especially when I’m only there for one day,and that’s a shame. But I get paid to do the classes so that’s fair. The deal is that I do my classes, the books are a bonus for me and the kids  

Only this school is different. They’ve booked me for four whole days, which is great. And for that I’ve made some concessions. Bigger concessions than maybe I should have. 

Firstly I’ve given them a discount. I’m doing each day for £25 less than my usual price. A fair discount for a four day booking but it does mean I’m £100 down at the end.

Then I’ve agreed to squeeze three classes into each day, rather than my usual two.  The class takes two hours to do properly, and I’ve agreed to do two morning classes in 90 minutes each. Again I’ve done this to secure the four day booking. It’s very hard work, they’re particularly noisy kids, but I agreed to it, teaching 50% more kids than normal, for 10% less money, in the knowledge that in consolation I’ll be able to sell books to 50% more kids.

Only the kids haven’t been told they can buy books and, on day one, I’ve made no sales

Then I remember the reply to my email a couple of weeks ago, where the office said (to the teacher who passed it on to me): “...unfortunately we get charged a transaction fee and can’t afford to take the hit on it. We can direct parents to amazon to purchase and bring on the day or ask him to bring in 20 copies on the day and children can purchase if they want?”

They can’t afford to take “the hit” on being paid via Parent Pay? I have never heard this before. I have told them I’ll happily reimburse any fees they get charged  

Anyhow, day two ahoy and I hope we can sort this out by the end of my four day run or I will be very angry at this situation 

There. I have vented. Now to school. 

I made this special ad, which I've been putting in every copy of the comics I make with them to take home:

UPDATE: By Wednesday a handful of parents had got the message, and 7 kids have bought books with cash. On Thursday morning I get the email that, at last, all the parents have got the message so, when I return there on Monday, 20 kids want books. More like it.

In contrast, the school I visited the following day bought 19 books. They only have three classes of kids, and I just taught all 60 of the Year 3s to 6s. 19 book sales out of 60 kids compares rather favourably to 27 book sales out of a school where I will, by the end of Monday, have taught a record-breaking 360 kids!

As Heather has pointed out, if I were to charge £2 a time for these caricatures, as I do at comic cons, I'd be £720 up on the deal.

My Books And Where To Find Them...
The Third
Prince of 
Denmark Street
Midsummer Night's 
Dream Team

Comic Tales
From The Bible

Joseph, Ruth
& Other Stories


Thursday, 20 February 2025

An Orangutan Goes Rogue - comics by kids

A clutch of comics by kids in classes from Coventry to Somerset, back to Coventry, and to Leicester. And what a rather staid and samey design choice I've made, every single time. I can only apologise. That said, this whole "put one character in the middle of the page, er, that'll do" trope does seem very much to be the order of the day in mainstream comics these days, so who am I to buck the trend?

Our Lady Of The Assumption (which, when its name pops up anywhere on my computer or phone screen, seems to find itself abbreviated to Our Lady Of The Ass) was a nice wee primary school in Coventry whose pupils came up with nifty titles by which I was about this much inspired.

Back to Coventry for Exhall Grange, who are a specialist school dealing with kids with Special Educational Needs. Once more I like to think I handled them pretty well, leaving lots of satisfied year 7s and 8s with a couple of nice looking comics.

Long Sutton, down somewhere near Taunton, was I think a first time visit for me, and a jolly good fun primary school where I think they ended the day impressed. It's often hard to tell until they have you back the next year.

At just a day's notice, I belatedly discovered I was doing a one-off class at Leicester Comedy Festival, at a venue called Pedestrian Arts. A fee plus a free hotel room? That'll do nicely. A sweet little group and a nifty end result.

The celebrities these seven groups chose to appear in my demonstration strip were Drake, Kim Kardashian, Jesus, Ringo Starr (I know!), Taylor Swift, Mr Beast and Simon Cowell.

My Books And Where To Find Them...
The Third
Prince of 
Denmark Street
Midsummer Night's 
Dream Team

Comic Tales
From The Bible

Joseph, Ruth
& Other Stories


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