It's a treat to be at one school for a whole week (well, four days) doing my Comic Art Masterclass with two groups apiece of year 3s, 4s, 5s and 6s, every one of them going home with a copy of the class comic containing a strip by every single one of them. They came up with all these titles, don't blame me. And I draw a caricature of every single one of them (see below) which, with just up 30 in each class plus teachers, means I've drawn 240 faces without breaking a sweat.
One thing I started doing this week, which hopefully I'll remember to do in future, is making a note on each front cover of which celebrity the kids in each class have chosen for the "Worm" demonstration. I show some top tips of comic storytelling by having a famous person tread on a worm, chosen by the class, but I never keep a record of who they've chosen. My memory tells me that the most popular choices over the years are 1) Michael Jackson, 2) Simon Cowell, 3) Cheryl Cole with many other names cropping up regularly (the most surprising ever was the group of 11 year olds who chose Tim Brooke-Taylor). This week's celebrities were: Will Smith, Justin Bieber, Simon Cowell, Jessie J (twice), David Tennant, Barack Obama and Lionel Messi.
If anyone wants me to come and show their kids how to do what I've been doing for a living for the last two decades, drop me a line, a comment, a Twitter, smoke signals, the usual methods. Click below to see more, including video and contact details.
RECOMMENDED COMIC BOOKS & GRAPHIC NOVELS for Comic Art Masterclass students, teachers and librarians
1 comment:
Call me wind because I am blown away by your post!
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