Tuesday morning saw an interesting diversion as we joined Phill Jupitus's Sketch Club at the Scottish National Gallery on The Mound. For a few mornings across the Fringe, Phill is spending a couple of hours sketching things in galleries, which is a thing he does for his own amusement and which he's now letting people join in with.

And so it was that Hev and I joined a number of people, young and old, from middle aged watercolourists to school kids, drawing Rubens' Feast Of Herod. Well, most people had a go at sketching the painting, while I was happier drawing the people.
There was a camera filming things, though we never learned where that'll be ending up. We were asked to send our drawings to the gallery itself and they might end up on their website, so that'll be fun. A very pleasant way to spend a couple of hours in the morning, here are some of the drawings I came up with.
I'm reminded of the very first time Heather and I came to Edinburgh, way back in 1984, and I produced a sketch book full of stuff. I hardly ever whip the sketch book out these days, being so busy with what I'm doing, or distracted by the nonsense on my phone. Today was a reminder of the value of getting the old biro out every now and again.

The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre present Minging Detectives, every night at 10.30pm at the Gilded Balloon, from Aug 5th - 30th at the Edinburgh Fringe. Book now.
1 comment:
Fantastic drawings. You can totally tell it's Phill.
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