Yes, if you're a Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre fan, and you missed your last opportunity to see the Socks in Inverness at Eden Court Theatre in April 2011, you are about to overdose. Cos in the next month and a bit you will get not one, not two, not three, not four, not five but... yes, actually, five chances to see us in Inverness.
The first, biggest and best opportunity is to see us at Eden Court on Sunday April 28th as part of The Gilded Balloon Comedy Circuit, where we'll be doing a 35 minute headline slot. Book now. For fans of Socks in their full sweary-worded glory, this is the show to see.
However if you want to see how the Socks fare performing in the open air, a bit like we did in Adelaide, but in the slightly less predictable climate of Inverness, then turn up at Falcon Square at 1pm on Sat 25th May and you can see the family-friendly version of our show. Or if you have a fondness for canvas, then you can see us doing the family-friendly version again in the grounds of Eden Court itself at 3pm on Sat 25th and 3pm Sun 26th May. Or, if it's been blowing a gale all weekend and you can only bear watching us in the warm, we'll be performing at 9.15pm on Sunday 26th as part of the all-star comedy line-up at Madhatters at Hootenannys. All part of the Happyness Festival, you lucky lucky people.
Don't forget to tell all your Highland friends not to miss this comedy cavalcade, which also features acts like Russel Kane, Janey Godley, Arthur Smith and the like. Why it could be worth planning a holiday specially. They also have a Loch Ness Monster just a couple of miles away, but ask yourself, can that possibly compare?
SOCKS ON TOUR - Your next chance to see the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre
Mar 30, April 5 - Bath Comedy Festival, Ring O'Bells
April 12 - Plough Arts, Torrington, Devon
April 13 - Barnfield, Exeter
April 27 - Gardyne Theatre, Dundee
April 28 - Eden Court, Inverness
May 1 - Swindon Arts Centre
May 9, 10 - Komedia, Brighton Fringe
May 25, 26 - Inverness Happy-Ness Festival
May 29 - Theatr Mwdlan, Cardigan
May 31 - Exchange Arts, Keighley
June 1 - Junction, Goole
June 2 - Barnsley Civic
June 8 - Warwick Arts Centre
June 25 - Leicester Square Theatre, London
June 27 - Victoria Theatre, Halifax
June 28 - Wardrobe Theatre, Bristol
July 2, July 9 - Leicester Square Theatre, London
July 13 - Cardiff Comedy Festival
July 14 - Sheffield, New Barrack Tavern 2pm
July 18 - Larmer Tree Festival, Salisbury
July 20 - Bedford Fringe
July 21 - Derby Funhouse 3.25pm
July 22 - Clowns Pocket, Neath
July 26 - Lass O'Gowrie, Manchester
July 31 - Aug 25 - Gilded Balloon, 10.15pm, Edinburgh Fringe
Sept 7 - Derry Waterside
Sept 21 - Braintree Arts Theatre
Oct 25 - Tom Thumb Theatre, Maidstone
Oct 26 - Canterbury Festival
Nov 15 - Ropewalk, Barton On Humber
Further dates to be added, (plus regular appearances at your local comedy club, check listings for details and, if you can't find us, ask your local comedy club to book us, it can't hurt). Watch Facebook, here or ents24 for updates.
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