Thanks to those lovely people at Berol, whose pens I use for every single one of my Comic Art Masterclasses in schools (they were used, for example, to draw all of these front covers), any school in the country has the chance to win a day's worth of Comic Art Masterclasses with me, completely free!
As well you know, when I'm not writing and drawing comic strips for The Beano, Marvel, Doctor Who and my own publications, I visit schools, libraries and art centres all round the country (and the world, let us not forget Jersey, Ireland, Norway and Abu Dhabi) teaching kids how to do what I do for a living, in my patent Comic Art Masterclasses. At the end of a morning or afternoon, a group of up to 30 at a time will end up having produced a comic containing a strip by every single one of them, a copy of which they take away along with an individual caricature by me. We'll have gone from tackling the "who thinks they can't draw?" question, all the way through to them knowing enough to leave school and steal my job, in the space of little over two hours.
Normally this costs the school a small amount (though I am regularly told "you should charge more", but only after I've sent my bill in). But now, thanks to the good folk of Berol and their spirit-free pens that wash off kids' hands, clothes and faces (what, you've never seen a kid turn themselves into The Joker by absent-mindedly wiping a ruler across their face?), three schools can win a day of Comic Art Masterclasses free, gratis, and for nothing.
The details of the competition are all here on Berol's Facebook page, and I wish you all the best of luck. I suppose, if you weren't one of the lucky schools, you could always contact me directly and book me for some other time in the year. But let's not think of that now, let's think about Berol and all the money they're probably going to save you (and, if I'm very lucky, the avalanche of pens that's going to descend on me and the pupils, fingers crossed).
Berol Creative Club competition
Kev F's Comic Art Masterclasses
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