Thursday, 16 February 2012

Flying to Australia

As you read this, all going well, Hev & I (and the Scottish Falsetto Socks) should be flying to Australia. No internet, no plug points, and no obvious opportunity for the blood to circulate in my legs for 27 hours, so this blog post is one I prepared earlier.

A month of the Adelaide Fringe lies ahead and, more than is usually the case in my ill-thought-through and haphazard life, I have absolutely no idea what the next 30 days hold. Hev's biggest fear has to be eight-legged creepy crawlies and I have been given to believe those will be a major concern we have to look forward to. My biggest fear would be the audiences not coming (though advance bookings are looking good fingers crossed) and us not making enough money (I have no reason to believe this could be the case, but that doesn't stop you worrying).

Of course whatever there is to worry about will be something totally unexpected. Will it be the flat share? (I don't think we've shared a flat with anyone else since the early 80s! I've shared flats myself in Edinburgh, but for Hev sharing with me has been challenge enough). Will it be whatever's going on in our flat while we're away? (The shadow of Edinburgh 2009 will long hover over us, when on the day after we arrived at the Fringe, for what was intended to be Hev's first month-long stay away, we were rung up to be told our flat had been totally flooded by a leak from upstairs. There have been two small leaks in the last few months and we are not completely confident there won't be more.) Will it be the flights? (I tweeted a gag on the subject I was quite pleased with earlier: I hope I don't get sat next to a self-centred philosophical horn player, I hate getting deep vain trombonists.) Will we get lost? Will we get sunstroke?

Well, if there turns out to be internet in this apartment we're sharing with 3 other people, I'll look forward to having a mither on Friday at the earliest. Probably about the heat.

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