The Socks and some girning bloke in an anorak, last week before the weather turned good, on the Royal Mile
The Olympics come to an end tomorrow night, Sunday, with a televised ceremony which everyone will be watching. Which explains why my show has sold 8 tickets, and I bet all of those were bought by people before Danny Boyle's opening ceremony two weeks ago. I am not alone in having detected a downturn in sales. whether as a result of the Olympics or the economy. I am delighted to know it's not just me, or more importantly the popularity of the Socks. Conversations with fellow comedians have all involved the relative dip in ticket sales over previous years. And you just have to look at Twitter for further evidence:
Andrew O'Neill
Really need people to help me push my show. Audiences just not coming. This is the best thing I've ever done. Gah.
What a strange day!?! Thousands of people about. No one buying tickets #goseesomeshowsyoucunts pic.twitter.com/Ovk90kbr
If you're in Edinburgh tonight and you're looking for
something to do, I have lots of spaces to fill at 8.15 at Udderbelly! #talkingcock
Being an #edfringe events promoter is stressful - buy tickets people!
Edinburgh Fringe
Quiet in Edinburgh for previews tonight, big names like Seann Walsh only half full.
FUCKSTICKS!! Norman lovett's solo show was cancelled >=[ only 2 tickets were sold, of which i was one... #edfringe
Edfringe update - remaining 18 performances of "Keith Looks Back In Anger" have been cancelled due to venue issues & low audience numbers
So it is with some degree of schadenfreude I can report that total sales for the Scottish Falsetto Socks two shows at this year's Edfringe have now overtaken our previous best from 2010 (individually Chunky is beating 2007's show while only playing 4 days a week, and Boo is catching up with 2009's show).
Let us all see how post-Olympics Edinburgh shapes up shall we?

The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre present not one but two new shows at the Edinburgh Fringe 2012: Boo Lingerie - A Socky Horror Show every night at 10.40pm and Chunky Woollen Nits - The Family-Friendly Hour at 11am. Tickets are now on sale, book now!
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