Thursday 13 August 2009

4 star review in The Scotsman

The Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppet Theatre is so delighted to have received a 4 star review in The Scotsman that I've just spent all morning making it into a t-shirt. Here it is, enjoy:

By Roger Cox
Published: 13/8/2009

To begin with, the Scottish Falsetto Sock Puppets come across as a couple of sweet, innocent little chaps, but don’t be fooled: they’re filthy wee tykes at heart.

They have gags about Michael Jackson and blow jobs that would make Jerry Sadowitz blush (OK, maybe not him, but almost anyone else). Their most taboo-breaking moment, though, comes towards the end of the show, when, with the room at its warmest, wettest and most potentially infectious, they choose to address the “elephant in the room” and sing a little ditty about swine flu. The awkward mixture of uproarious laughter and anxious sidelong glances this provokes among the audience is worth the price of admission all on its own.

4 stars – The Scotsman

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