Work continues on Prince Of Denmark Street. As of Sunday April 26th, 10 days since I started drawing, I've completed 21 pages and the cover, 97 pages to go.
Drawn: Pages 31 - 47, 62 - 65.
Today I set the style for the songs, which look quite good though I say so myself, and got two pages drawn out in the sun in the back yard, which is most satisfying. I'll continue to log my work here as I go.
A little bit of fun, drawn to appear as an almost imperceptible background detail in one of the pages completed today.
Monday April 27th - 4 pages drawn (48 - 51). Happiness is drawing the "To Be Or Not To Be" sequence (below). Tomorrow I get to do "Get thee to a nunnery". 25 pages drawn, 93 to go.

Tues April 28 - 4 pages (52 - 55), "Get thee to a nunnery".
Weds April 29 - Just 2 pages (56 & 57), but that was Claud's flat (below). Plus I made a new Work In Progress video - Feedback.
Thurs April 30 - 4 pages (58 - 61). Joining up with the first pages I drew, we now have pages 31 to 65 drawn. 35 pages drawn, 83 to go.
Friday May 1st - 3 pages (7 - 9)
Sat May 2nd - 1 page (10)
Sun May 3rd - 1 page (11). 40 pages drawn, 78 to go.
Mon May 4th - 4 pages (12 - 15)
Tues May 5th - 3 pages (16 - 18)
Weds May 6th - 4 pages (19 - 22)
Thurs May 7th - 4 pages (23 - 26)
Friday May 8th - 4 pages (27 - 30)
I now have pages 7 through to 65 drawn. 59 pages drawn - I'm exactly halfway through!!!
Monday May 11th - 3 pages (1 - 3)
Tues May 12th - 6 pages! (4 - 6, 66 - 68)
Weds May 13th - 3 pages (69 - 71)
Thurs May 14th - 3 pages (72 - 74)
Friday May 15th - 5 pages (75 - 79). 79 pages drawn, 39 to go.
I see, from January's diary, that I'm drawing PODS at about half the speed at which I rattled off Findlay Macbeth (4 pages a day to FM's up-to-8 pages a day).
Monday May 18th - 3 pages (80 - 82)
Tues May 19th - 4 pages (83 - 86)
Weds May 20th - 4 pages (87 - 90)
Thurs May 21st - 3 pages (91 - 93)
Friday May 22nd - 4 pages (94 - 97). 97 pages drawn, 21 to go.
Also, on Friday 22nd, the printed Findlay Macbeths arrived. So, once those are posted out, I can start a Kickstarter for PODS.
Monday May 25th - 4 pages (98 - 101)
Tuesday May 26th - 3 pages (102 - 104)
Weds May 27th - 4 pages (105 - 108)
Thurs May 28th - 3 pages (109 - 111)
Fri May 29th - 2 pages (112 & 113) and Kickstarter campaign video shot and page set up
Fri May 29th - 2 pages (112 & 113) and Kickstarter campaign video shot and page set up
5 pages to go, Kickstarter waiting to be approved, all Findlay Macbeths posted. It's all happening.
Sat May 30th - 2 pages (114 & 115), 3 to go.
Sun May 31st - 1 page (116), 2 to go.
Mon June 1st - 2 pages - FINISHED!!!!!
Previous work in progress, including videos.
My debut graphic novel Findlay Macbeth, available on Amazon now:
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