Friday 14 June 2024

Shakespeare books - work in progress

Trying to break into the world of traditional publishing certainly is a long and slow process, but on with it we go. As recorded in this earlier blog, I've been busy this year writing and drawing new pages of proposed Shakespeare books, under the guidance of my agent Emily, with the hope of attracting a publisher.

To date I have produced...

May 7 - Romeo & Juliet (27 pages, spot-colour)
+ Midsummer Nights 5 pages redrawn and coloured
+ Twelfth Night 4 pages redrawn and coloured

This followed on from the initial samples produced to show to publishers...

Feb 15 - King Lear (31 pages)
Jan 11 - Twelfth Thing (56 pages)
Nov 29 - Midsummer Nights Dream (42 pages)

So, over the last six months, I've written and drawn 156 pages of all new Shakespeare comic strips. That's a whole bloody book, none of which has seen the light of day yet. It really is quite frustrating. But the dangled carrot of the prize of getting them adopted by a proper publisher is what we're working towards, with fingers tightly crossed.

This week we got feedback from the publisher with whom we've had a meeting, and for whom I'd redrawn pages of Midsummer and Twelfth Night, and had written and drawn a brand new Romeo and Juliet. They suggested they'd like to see some different "more teenage" looking characters for the youngsters in Midsummer. So:

Weds 11/ Thurs 12 June - Midsummer Nights Dream pages 43-46 (6 pages) written, drawn, spot-coloured and delivered to Emily.

Tuesday 25th June - At very short notice (ie Monday afternoon) I got called in for a meeting with another publisher, another big one. They want something different from the Shakespeare books, and I'm to do some spec work for them next week (for which they are paying a small fee). What will I come up with? What will they make of it? These are the questions that make this whole publishing business so unpredictable.

To be continued...

My Books and where to get them:

Richard The Third Amazon - Etsy - Barnes & Noble - Waterstones
Findlay Macbeth - Amazon  - Etsy 
Prince Of Denmark Street - Amazon - Etsy - Kindle
Midsummer Nights Dream Team  - Amazon Etsy 
Shakespeare Omnibus Collection (all 3 books) - Amazon

Space Elain - Lulu - iBooks - Barnes & Noble 
Tales From The Bible - Amazon -  Etsy - Webtoons
The Book Of Esther - Lulu  - Amazon Webtoons
Joseph, Ruth & Other Stories - Amazon
Captain Clevedon - Amazon
Tales Of Nambygate - Amazon  

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